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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Jack Belcher, News Editor

News Editor – Spring 2019

News Editor – Winter 2019

News Editor – Fall 2018

Senior News Reporter – Spring 2018

All content by Jack Belcher
Stacking up dust at Old Heat

Stacking up dust at Old Heat

Jack Belcher, News Editor
May 22, 2019

One of the tallest buildings in Ellensburg is the Old Heat plant, the brick building with the smokestack on University Way, across the street from Kamola Hall. The Old Heat  used to generate power for...

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Breaking down the new general education program

Breaking down the new general education program

Jack Belcher, News Editor
April 24, 2019

Jason White hopes that more people attend the next presentation of the new general education program on April 29.  White believes that this program is very important for students to understand. White...

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These chairs are to remain unoccupied to honor the soldiers that didn’t come home. One chair will be sent to
the Veterans Center at CWU and the other will split its time between the different CWU ROTC departments.

San D. Francisco campaign thanks CWU

Jack Belcher, News Editor
April 10, 2019

The San D. Francisco Awareness Campaign provided two symbolic chairs to CWU to honor the sacrifice of POW/MIA soldiers. The campaign was represented at CWU by Terri Francisco-Farrell, sister of Major San...

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Candidates for ASCWU introduce themselves at club senate meeting

Candidates for ASCWU introduce themselves at club senate meeting

Jack Belcher, News Editor
April 3, 2019

ASCWU candidates introduced themselves and their platforms to students at the CWU Club Senate Meeting on Wednesday March 27. There are currently six open positions on ASCWU: President, VP of clubs and...

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Vaccinate your damn kids, people

Vaccinate your damn kids, people

Jack Belcher, News Editor
February 28, 2019

I am afraid that no matter what I say, no matter what facts I use, people who don’t believe in vaccines will refuse to listen to logic. It seems that people who don’t believe in vaccines only want...

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CWU students in lockdown at the SURC Rec Center

University says student overheard conversation about possible threat, triggered ROTC protocol

Jack Belcher, Alexa Murdock, and Mariah Valles
February 8, 2019

An emergency response update regarding the active shooter threat on Feb. 6 places the responsibility on “a student” who “overheard” a conversation in the CWU Case Management Services Office in...

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Official university tweet about the importance of keeping normality.

Classes continued in attempt to restore sense of normality

Jack Belcher, Alexa Murdock, and Mariah Valles
February 8, 2019

CWU Ellensburg classes were held as usual on Thursday, Feb. 7 in what the university said was an attempt to help students cope with the stress caused by the active shooter false alarm that locked down...

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State of emergency declared due to measles outbreak

State of emergency declared due to measles outbreak

Jack Belcher, News Editor
January 30, 2019

Washington state health officials declare a state of emergency after recent measles outbreak in the state. While the outbreak is still located hours away from Ellensburg, measles is one of the most...

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Manweller announces resignation from Washington state legislation

Manweller announces resignation from Washington state legislation

Jack Belcher, News Editor
January 10, 2019

Correction 1/10/19: The original story incorrectly stated that Manweller was pressured to step down from his position as representative after multiple allegations of sexual assault. Manweller was accused...

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Breaking apart the new Washington State gun law

Breaking apart the new Washington State gun law

Jack Belcher, News Editor
January 10, 2019

A new gun law will be affecting citizens under the age of 21 who want to buy semi-automatic rifles. Initiative 1639 passed in Washington state with over 60 percent of voters in favor in November of 2018....

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ROTC finishes fall quarter with training in Yakima

Jack Belcher, News Editor
December 6, 2018

CWU ROTC travels to the Yakima Training Center so that cadets can practice combat skills twice a year, with one trip in the fall and the other in the spring. The purpose of this training is for new...

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ROTC finishes fall quarter with training in Yakima

ROTC finishes fall quarter with training in Yakima

Jack Belcher, News Editor
November 30, 2018

CWU ROTC travels to the Yakima Training Center so that cadets can practice combat skills twice a year, with one trip in the fall and the other in the spring. The purpose of this training is for new...

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The Wildcat statue in front of the SURC has been decorated with flags in honor of International Education Week.

[Photo] International Education Week comes to CWU

Kejuan Coleman, Staff Reporter
November 15, 2018

The Wildcat statue in front of the SURC has been decorated with flags in honor of International Education Week.

Built in 1971, the Language and Literature building is showing it's age. Some faculty have expressed concern about the building's safety.

[Photo] L&L building showing age after nearly 50 years

November 15, 2018

Built in 1971, the Language and Literature building is showing it's age. Some faculty have expressed concern about the building's safety.

NWCCU suggests improvements for CWU

NWCCU suggests improvements for CWU

Jack Belcher, News Editor
November 1, 2018

The Northwest Commision on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) sent representatives to CWU on Oct. 22 to review the university and take comments from students. The NWCCU suggested three main areas of improvement...

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Friends of Demchuck and McKenzie gather on the south side of Lind Hall on the evening on Friday, Oct. 19. Attendees shared fond memories of the deceased. ASCWU has organized a candlelight vigil for Thursday, Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. on the SURC East Patio.

CWU mourns the loss of ROTC students

Miles King and Jack Belcher
October 25, 2018

** Correction:  The story originally said that the Oct. 25 vigil took place on the SURC East Patio. It was moved to the SURC West Patio due to weather conditions. On the evening of Thursday, Oct....

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Bernadette Miles helps herself to some of the free refreshments provided during the event.

National Depression Screening Day

Jack Belcher, News Editor
October 18, 2018

Living with a mental illness such as depression or anxiety is extremely difficult, although common, especially around a college campus. Most college students are living on their own for the first time,...

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Cristela Alonzo cracks a joke about her bilingual experiences with "caucasian english".

Homecoming queen

Jack Belcher, News Editor
October 17, 2018

The last few Homecoming week- ends, CWU has booked a comedian to perfrom stand up. In 2017, the university brought Nick Offerman, known best for his portrayal of Ron Swanson in the TV show “Parks and...

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ASCWU supports Diversity and Equity Center move to Black Hall

ASCWU supports Diversity and Equity Center move to Black Hall

Jack Belcher, News Editor
October 4, 2018

The Diversity and Equity Center (DEC) is moving to Black Hall in order for the program to expand. According to Jeff Rosenberry, Executive Director of Student Involvement, the new space in Black Hall is...

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Mammoth tusk sculpture frames the new Samuelson STEM building

Samuelson opens in time for the start of classes

Jack Belcher, News Editor
September 28, 2018

After a decade of planning and two years of construction, the new Samuelson STEM building is finally open. Many students have walked past Samuelson in the last couple of years due to its location between...

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Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite

Jack Belcher, News Editor
September 28, 2018

In recent years the amount of bed bugs in the United States has skyrocketed. Experts believe that this is due to more densely populated areas and the increasing popularity of travel. Experts in Kittitas...

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PANGA lab monitors the West Coast

PANGA lab monitors the West Coast

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
May 30, 2018

CWU Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array (PANGA) receives data from over 1,200 GPS arrays located mainly around the western United States. These GPS devices, known as a geodetic monuments, measure the movement...

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New general ed framework to connect learning

New general ed framework to connect learning

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
May 23, 2018

New framework that will drastically change general education (GE) requirements at CWU was passed by the CWU Faculty Senate in February. This will be the first change in general education at CWU in over...

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Dr. Geraldine O'Mahony and others, sent by the National Democratic Institute, went to Lebanon to observe their first democratic election.

CWU faculty oversees election in Lebanon

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
May 16, 2018

Dr. Geraldine O’Mahony from the Office of the Associate Provosts at CWU was recently in Lebanon to observe their first democratic election in nearly a decade. While O’Mahony does work at CWU, she was...

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Film makers return to SOURCE

Film makers return to SOURCE

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
May 9, 2018

Symposium of University Research and Creative Expression, or SOURCE for short, is a chance for students, faculty and staff to show research and creative projects they have been working on to their peers...

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Rockin’ out at the Red Horse

Rockin’ out at the Red Horse

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
May 9, 2018

Rockin the Red Horse is a hodgepodge of events, live music and fundraisers that took place the weekend of May 5. Rockin the Red Horse (formally known as “Iron Horse Trail Motorcycle Show”), is an event...

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Families enjoy books and snacks at literacy night

Families enjoy books and snacks at literacy night

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
May 2, 2018

The first Family Literacy Night of Spring Quarter was on May 1 with roughly 20 children and parents in attendance. This event has been a part of CWU for close to 11 years and has given away around 1,300...

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Local reporters discuss investigative storytelling

Local reporters discuss investigative storytelling

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
April 25, 2018

Journalists from the Yakima Herald, the Tacoma News Tribune and the Ellensburg Daily Record talked to students for over a half hour Monday, April 23. The discussion took place in the SURC theater, right...

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Opioid prescriptions down

Opioid prescriptions down

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
April 12, 2018

A new study released by JAMA Internal Medicine has found that there may be a possible link between the legalization of marijuana and a decrease in opioid addiction. Opioids have been a huge problem...

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A student has found a way of avoiding steep housing costs by way of his custom Dodge truck.

Dodge-ing housing costs

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
April 4, 2018

The cost of housing can be one of the highest expenses that a college student faces. Many students will try a variety of methods to avoid these costs, from living with roommates to becoming a resident...

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Local non-profit brings immigrant resources to Ellensburg

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
March 8, 2018

Musician and Grammy-nominated artist Mela Dailey will be at CWU on March 15 for a concert titled, “An Evening of Music from Around the World.” The proceeds of this event will benefit the Central Washington...

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Federal cuts could mean more student debt

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
March 6, 2018

A new proposal by the federal government outlines a plan to cut $3.6 billion in annual funding from the U.S. Department of Education, according to a report by the Washington Post. The cuts could increase...

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The demolition of Hertz hall will begin in the winter.

Hertz Hall demolition and construction of new Health and Science Building

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
February 24, 2018

Hertz Hall, originally constructed as a music building, is set to be demolished to build a new health science building. The 55-year-old building currently houses student support functions and is scheduled...

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Provost rescinds decision to consolidate dean positions

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
February 15, 2018

After roughly a month of consideration, Provost Katherine Frank told James Gaudino in a Feb. 1 email that she has advised against the consolidation of the dean of Library and the dean of Graduate Studies...

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Capital budget to pay for new Health and Science building

Capital budget to pay for new Health and Science building

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
February 10, 2018

CWU was approved for $33 million in the new state capital budget in January. Although this is about a third of what the state awarded the university in its 2015-2017 budget, according to CFO and Vice President...

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Gina McCarthy speaks on her experiences with the EPA to students in Science II.

Former EPA director visits CWU, urges students to take action

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
February 10, 2018

There were very few empty seats in the SURC Ballroom when former Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Gina McCarthy began to speak. McCarthy immediately let the audience know she believed...

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Proposal to consolidate dean positions met with criticism from faculty, former deans

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
February 3, 2018

Editor’s Note: In an email sent to President James Gaudino on Feb. 1, Provost Katherine Frank rescinded her proposal to consolidate the dean of library and graduate studies based on feedback from stakeholders...

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Mining cryptocurrency can take up a lot of electricity. Heat that comes from the computer could be deemed a fire hazard.

“Crypto Crazy”- digital mining catches wind in the ‘Burg

Jack Belcher, Senior News Reporter
January 25, 2018

The amount of people mining for cryptocurrency has drastically risen within the last year, and with the most expensive part of crypto-mining being the electric bill, some think it is likely that people...

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ESPN to air basketball doubleheader

Jack Belcher, Staff Reporter
January 25, 2018

The basketball doubleheader on Feb. 1 will be livestreamed on ESPN3. The first of the two games will be the women’s team against Seattle Pacific University (SPU) and the second will be men’s basketball...

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Marc Rodgers looks to the basket during the Oct. 31 game vs. Northwest University

ESPN3 to air Wildcat doubleheader

Jack Belcher, Staff Reporter
November 9, 2017

The basketball doubleheader on Feb. 1 will be livestreamed on ESPN3. The first of the two games will be the women’s team against Seattle Pacific University (SPU) and the second will be men’s basketball...

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Hunters have taken advantage of hunting by reservation at WHWF since April 1.

Wind farm hunting closes Nov. 30

Jack Belcher, Staff Reporter
November 9, 2017

Wild Horse Wind Farm, which is about 20 minutes east of Ellensburg, has been open to hunters since 2007. The 9,000 acres of land provides plenty of hunting grounds, provided that hunters have a permit Right...

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CWU Women's Rugby collides with their Life University competitors during a home match. The women are currently 4-3.

Wildcats shut out BYU on senior day

Jack Belcher, Staff Reporter
November 2, 2017

Women’s rugby shut out the Brigham Young University Cougars at home on Oct. 28 in their final home match of the fall season. It was also the day the team recognized the nine seniors on the pitch....

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Andreas Brown

Men’s basketball welcomes Brown; Cola

Jack Belcher, Staff Reporter
October 27, 2017

When the Wildcats take the court this year, expect to see a few fresh faces on the men’s team. Malcolm Cola and Andreas Brown are two of the newest additions to the program having joined the team in...

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Junior Dillon Sugg runs ahead of teammates and opponents during a home game on Oct. 7 vs. Humboldt State University.

Wildcats face Northern Alabama

Jack Belcher, Staff Reporter
October 19, 2017

CWU football is still undefeated with a record of 7-0 after defeating Western Oregon University 42-0.  They are leading the GNAC, and are ranked ninth  in the nation. On Oct. 21 at 1 p.m., the team...

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CWU soccer prepares for their last regular season matches with hopes of making it to the post season which begins in Nov.

Crunch time for CWU soccer

Jack Belcher, Staff Reporter
October 12, 2017

CWU women’s soccer has to win all seven of their next games if they want to make it to the GNAC tournament, which include two away games against Seattle Pacific University (SPU) on Oct. 12, and Simon...

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Setter Niki Cook makes a successful dive against University of Alaska, Fairbanks on Sept. 28.

Wildcat volleyball hits the road

Jack Belcher, Staff Reporter
October 5, 2017

“Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles plays through the speakers as the women’s volleyball team practices for two away games on Oct. 5 and Oct. 7, against Saint Martin’s University and Seattle...

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Bailey’s Bibliomania’s well-known sign features owner John Varner’s beagle, Bailey. The relaxing space inside Bailey’s has been a mainstay in Ellensburg for 11 years despite three previous moves to different locations.

Bailey’s Bibliomania to make big move from the ‘Burg

Jack Belcher, News Reporter
May 25, 2017

The books stacked on the walls, shelves and floors create a labyrinth of knowledge from wall to wall. The smell of old paper wafts through the building as the sound of Louis Armstrong’s “It’s a...

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Justin Mann (left) and Ashtyn Mann hold their JDRF-sponsored jerseys for their upcoming cross-county bike trip.

Biking to benefit hu-Mann-kind

Jack Belcher, News Reporter
May 1, 2017

CWU grad Ashtyn Mann and her older brother Justin Mann are raising money for  a bike ride across the country from California to South Carolina.   Justin Mann was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes,...

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Jimmy Fallon announced on March 22 that WSU student Jake Sirianni was chosen to be his new intern.

WSU student lands dream internship with The Tonight Show

Jack Belcher
April 17, 2017

On March 22 Jimmy Fallon announced on The Tonight Show that Jake Sirianni, a junior at Washington State University (WSU), would be an official intern for the show. Sirianni caught the eye of the television...

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