In the fitness industry, there are many accessories, supplements and equipment that you can purchase. One of the most famous on Instagram is “waist trainers.” I believe that these waist trainers are...
As of 2016, Spanish is the the second-most used language in the United States. According to an article by CNN, approximately 38 million Hispanic people in the country speak Spanish, as well as an additional...
CWU Golf Team is headed to nationals (Left to Right): Austin Edwards, Garrett Granlund, Eric Fich, Caleb Bryant, Maddie Douglas, Drew Gradwohl, David Ellithorpe, Bryce Weedman (Not Pictured).
Shelby Mauritson (senior) is #5 outside hitter on the women's volleyball team. Her pre-game tradition is that she eats pizza Lunchables and Top Ramen before each game because she thinks it makes the team...