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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Courtesy of Katie Parks

Q&A with Katie Parks

Crystal Clausen and Emily LaFave
April 13, 2022

Meet Katie Parks, the Health Promotion Coordinator for Violence Prevention and Response at the Wellness Center. She received her B.S. in Psychology and Women & Gender Studies from Central Michigan...

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Q&A: Volha Isakava speaks on the Russia/Ukraine war

Q&A: Volha Isakava speaks on the Russia/Ukraine war

Addie Adkins, Assistant Copy Editor
April 6, 2022

Meet Volha Isakava, an associate professor of Russian and coordinator of the Russian Studies program. She teaches courses on Russian language and culture as well as courses on popular culture and globalization,...

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Will Smith should not be the only one punished for the Oscars Controversy

Katlyn White, Columnist
April 6, 2022

Will Smith has become the latest meme during the Oscars on March 27. After a poorly made “G.I. Jane” joke by Chris Rock, a comedian and actor, made about Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith...

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Reading is fun

Reading is fun

Katlyn White, Columnist
April 6, 2022

Reading is the most underrated pleasure of life. You can gain so much from reading books in your free time. You can travel, fight, cry and learn to love all from the comfort of your bedroom.  Pro:...

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Character arcs are better in the books than they are in the movies

Character arcs are better in the books than they are in the movies

Tapanga Krause, Columnist
April 6, 2022

Why is the character development in books always better than their movie counterparts? Is it the difference in storytelling styles? Or just the fact that the movies don’t have four hours to explore every...

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Courtesy of Pexels

We need to stop glamorizing space

Ty Mcphee, Columnist
March 9, 2022

Space and its portrayal in the media is something that I’ve looked up to for the longest time. Fantasy, horror, romance and even comedy movies have been on my back burner with science fiction shining...

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Courtesy of Pexels

U.S. foreign involvement is a crime against humanity

Katherine Camarata, Columnist
March 9, 2022

This "great" nation was founded on crime, as British soldiers invaded once prosperous Native American tribal land throughout the 1400s to the 1800s, signed treaties that were later ignored and murdered...

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The Sounders are Seattle’s most exciting pro sports team

Jake Hassebrock, Columnist
March 2, 2022

Whether you attend games in the stadium, tune in to live broadcasts or just watch post-match highlight videos on YouTube, professional sports collectively are a very fun part of our culture to engage with. Seattle...

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Courtesy of Pexels

Pregnancy is the best and most terrifying thing in the world

Tapanga Krause, Columnist
March 2, 2022

From the shock of an unplanned pregnancy followed by the overwhelming joy to the morning sickness, pregnancy is the best, but it’s also the most terrifying thing in the world. When that cheap drugstore...

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Q&A with Dr. Kaspari

Q&A with Dr. Kaspari

Addie Adkins, Assistant Copy Editor
March 2, 2022

Meet Dr. Susan Kaspari, a CWU professor in the Geological Sciences department since 2009. With a background in Environmental, Climate and Earth Sciences, her research centers around climate change, including...

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Q&A with Laura Morago

Q&A with Laura Morago

Addie Adkins, Assistant Copy Editor
February 23, 2022

Meet Laura Morago, the current Editor-in-Chief of the Tribal Tribune, a tribal newspaper owned by the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. An alumna of CWU, Morago graduated in 2016 with a...

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The MLB lockout needs to end

Jared Galanti, Columnist
February 23, 2022

The Major League Baseball (MLB) owners locked out the players as the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the two sides expired, on Dec. 2, 2021. This is the ninth work stoppage in MLB history...

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