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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Out of state, not out of bounds

Chance-Weeks Williams, Sports Editor
October 31, 2014

There are a few set backs to being based out-of-state, and I’m not talking about tuition. When you’re a fan of a team that isn’t local, you get weird looks. The exception is the NBA fans who don’t...

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Letter to the Editor

October 22, 2014

Dear Editor, This is Logan Butterfield, President of the Kappa SIgma Fraternity. During my usually study hours I enjoy occasionally browsing through The Observer, reading well written articles about student...

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CWU football: Who foots the bill?

Jonathan Glover, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2014

What if Central got rid of its football team and nobody cared? That certainly wasn’t the case for Western Washington University, which dissolved its football program back in 2009, much to the dismay...

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Yosef Gamble, current student government president

Q&A with Yosef Gamble

Colt Sweetland, News Editor
October 10, 2014

Yosef Gamble, senior computer science major, was elected as the president of the Associated Students of Central Washington University Student Government. Besides computer science, Gamble said he is interested...

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Letter to the Editor

October 9, 2014

I don't know who made the decision to spend thousands of dollars on the two enormous TV's in the music building, but it seems like a pretty poor one to me, especially considering how slowly all of the...

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Letter to the Editor

October 7, 2014

So the Board of Trustees have given President Gaudino a "thumbs-up" and renewed his contract for another five years? I'm glad THEY think he is transparent to them. I wish he was transparent to the rest...

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IASCO Fiasco – Letter to the Editor

October 7, 2014

IASCO FIASCO   I sent a request for information to CWU for a copy of the Request for Proposal, (RFP) 13-015 for flight training and a copy of the awarded contract to IASCO/IFT. The awarded contract...

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Ellensburg to host tenth annual film festival

Maria Harr, Assistant Scene Editor
October 3, 2014

The cameras have been put away and the projectors brought out in preparation for the Ellensburg Film Festival this weekend. The festival, in its tenth year, will run from Oct. 3-5 with showings of a...

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Opinion: On-campus employment brings joy?

Opinion: On-campus employment brings joy?

June 4, 2014

BY Stephani Bailey Copy Desk   Working at the Recreation Center for the past two years has been a life changing experience. When I first got the job my freshman year, I had no idea...

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Opinion: Bird vs. Bron

Opinion: Bird vs. Bron

June 4, 2014

BY Jaryd Cline Sports Editor   Monday night after Miami’s 102-90 win over Indiana, superstar LeBron James finally surpassed NBA legend Michael Jordan in something. James moved ahead...

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Opinions: Two sides to the Isla Vista killings

Opinions: Two sides to the Isla Vista killings

June 3, 2014

Masculism, misogyny & murders BY Patience Collier News Editor   Mass killings are not committed merely by isolated individuals, they are committed, by and large, by men with agendas....

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Opinion: Crazy in love… not so much

May 29, 2014

BY Collin Dysart Assistant Scene Editor   And just like that it all came crashing down. I’m not entirely sure when, but at some point Beyonce Knowles stopped being a pop star and became...

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