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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

OPINION: For the Pasco cops, will the punishment fit the crime?

OPINION: For the Pasco cops, will the punishment fit the crime?

Zach Harris, Copy Editor
March 5, 2015

Pasco, Wash. has recently been surrounded by controversy. On Feb. 10, the Pasco community suffered the death of Antonio Zambrano-Montes, when three Pasco police officers opened fire on the unarmed...

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Leonard Nimoy

Cigarettes will kill you, like they killed Leonard Nimoy

Anna Kessner, Copy Editor
March 3, 2015

On February 27, 2015, Trekkies all over the world shed a collective tear. Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock on the original television version of Star Trek, had died at the age of 83. The beloved Vulcan...

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The terror of Islamaphobia

Shaima Shamdeen, Staff Reporter
February 27, 2015

Craig Stephen Hicks shot three Muslim college students in their home, execution style in Chapel Hill, N.C. instilling fear amongst Muslim-Americans across this country. So do I get to call Hicks a terrorist? The...

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My newfound life on handi-campus

My newfound life on handi-campus

Jessi Hammond, Copy Editor
February 27, 2015

I had a little too much fun on Super Bowl Sunday and broke my foot. I thought nothing of it at first; “I have crutches for a few weeks, this can’t be too terrible.” I was so wrong.   As...

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Be nice: A plea from a  CWU Call Center employee

Be nice: A plea from a CWU Call Center employee

Meredith Carlsen, Copy Editor
February 26, 2015

Asking for money might be one the hardest things to do. It takes courage and thick skin to call Central alumni, parents and friends to ask them to donate financially to the university. Up until...

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Fifty Shades of Sexual Abuse

Fifty Shades of Sexual Abuse

Grace Lindsley, Copy Editor
February 10, 2015

Valentine's Day is right around the corner and how better to show that special someone you care than stalking, insulting and emotional manipulating them all the while blatantly ignoring rules of consent! Oh,...

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Let's play? Or let's get sued?

Let’s play? Or let’s get sued?

Maria Harr, Scene Editor
January 29, 2015

Recently there’s been a lot of questions surrounding the legality of “Let’s Play” videos and gaming streams online. Let’s Plays are recorded playthroughs of video games made by gamers. They...

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Letter to the Editor

Lynn Thompson
November 13, 2014

When November 7 Feminism issue of The Observer (Vol. 98) came out, I was ecstatic. I read it immediately upon receiving it. However, as the paper continued, I found myself steadily growing more and more...

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Be classy: Go to class

Jonathan Glover, Staff Reporter
November 9, 2014

Have you ever heard the saying, “what’s mine is mine and yours is yours?” As a college student, you should make yourself familiar with it. You see, the distinction of yours and mine is becoming increasingly...

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The 12 weeks of Christmas

Anna Kessner, Copy Editor
November 9, 2014

And so it begins: Christmas decorations, holiday music and eggnog lattes in the red cups at Starbucks (which I’m definitely not complaining about). But holiday season is nowhere close to being here. Thanksgiving...

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Q&A with Jeff Harada, the new face of women’s basketball

Jeffrey Macmillan, Staff Reporter
November 9, 2014

Q: What sports interested you growing up? A: My first sports love was baseball I loved baseball because you could play it all year around. As far as basketball, I was tall so it was just something I...

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Eating healthy on a budget

Camille Borodey, Scene Editor
October 31, 2014

Reevaluate your spending habits If you buy a Starbucks coffee and a pack of cigarettes every day, yet claim you do not have money to buy lunch, you may want to rethink your priorities. Look at all the...

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