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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Club costumes and cosplays

Club costumes and cosplays

Angelica Bartorelli, Staff Reporter
April 23, 2015
Established in fall 2013, Central’s Cosplay and Costuming Club (Cosplay Club for short) continues to bring together a range of creative and dedicated students to create costumes, showcase character designs, plan trips to conventions and promote their club to the cosplay community at Central.
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Wildcat sports predictions

Wildcat sports predictions

Maxwell Monson, Assistant Sports Editor
April 23, 2015
Central has a big week of games coming up in women’s rugby, softball and baseball. With the spring sports season coming to an end, Central’s teams will be looking for some big wins.
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Sub Pop founder Bruce Pavitt visits CWU

Sub Pop founder Bruce Pavitt visits CWU

Angelica Bartorelli, Staff Reporter
April 22, 2015
Twenty-nine years after the birth of Sub Pop Records, Bruce Pavitt, founder of the record label, is making his way to Central to celebrate the Seattle "grunge movement."
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Opinion: Do yourself a favor, take down that flag

Opinion: Do yourself a favor, take down that flag

Aaron Kunkler, News Editor
April 20, 2015
Recently, the state of California approved a ban on the Confederate flag. It will no longer be sold in California by state agencies, and will no longer be allowed to be flown on any government building or entity. In my opinion, this is fantastic news.
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Opinion: The 4 a.m. wake up call

Jonathan Glover, Sports Editor
April 20, 2015
If you, like me, have a phone, then you probably woke up to a call at 4 a.m. last Monday morning.
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New quarter, new EIC, new Observer

New quarter, new EIC, new Observer

Maria Harr, Editor-in-Chief
April 20, 2015
This quarter will be my first go at being the EIC for this paper, but you may recognize my name from my time spent as editor of the Scene section last quarter, and assistant scene editor the quarter before that.
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Grace Lindsley

Indiana Senate Bill 101, “Religious Freedom Restoration Act,” closes the door on homosexuals, opens to discrimination

Grace Lindsley, Copy Desk Chief
April 19, 2015
Indiana Senate Bill 101, titled the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, was enacted into law on March 26, 2015. Unfortunately, the only freedom this bill restored was the freedom of open discrimination. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act, at its most base parts, allows businesses and individuals to refuse service, employment and fair treatment to any person based on their sexual orientation. In other words, it allows for open discrimination of LGTBQ+ individuals under the guise of “religious freedom.”
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Editor’s Note

Adam Wilson, Editor-In-Chief
March 14, 2015

As a newspaper, we are dedicated to keeping our readers in the know with all happenings on campus and in the community. The assault on Lareta Chrismer by Bryan Yancy was a very serious topic to discuss,...

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Letter to the Editor: Holly Loveland

Holly Loveland, Yancy's sister-in-law
March 13, 2015

I wanted to write a response to your recent one-sided article written on the incident involving my brother in-law Bryan Yancy and Lareta Chrismer.  I met the Loveland family over 20 years ago.  Bryan’s...

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Letter to the Editor: Jesse Nelson

Jesse Nelson, Associate Dean of Student Achievement
March 13, 2015

I have long thought the theme song for the Autism community ought to be Five for Fighting’s first hit, Superman. I'm more than a bird, I'm more than a plane, I'm more than some pretty face beside...

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Goodbye opinion: “This isn’t giving up. No, this is letting go”

Goodbye opinion: “This isn’t giving up. No, this is letting go”

Adam Wilson, Editor-In-Chief
March 12, 2015

At the time of this publishing, I will have finished my second full year being a part of The Observer. I’ve dedicated half of my college career to writing, designing and publishing over 50 editions of...

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Goodbye opinion: My heart…it hurts

Goodbye opinion: My heart…it hurts

Chance Weeks-Williams, Sports Editor
March 12, 2015

When I took this job as the sports editor, I was scared beyond all belief. I was excited to hear that I was going be the editor, but I had no idea what to do once I sat down at my computer. Thanks,...

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