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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

New Minor available in disability studies

Sarah Taylor, Staff Reporter
February 23, 2017

Universities across the country—including CWU—have created a new program to allow college students to earn certificates and minors in disability and accessibility studies. According to the U.S. 2010...

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Pot brownies (pictured here) and other edibles must now have "Not for Kids" labels to be sold at dispensaries in Washington.

‘Not for Kids’

Jon Olsen-Koziol, Staff Reporter
February 23, 2017

Washington has taken further precautions to prevent children from eating marijuana edibles. Effective Feb. 14, all marijuana edibles have to be labeled with a “Not for Kids” warning logo. Edibles...

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Ron Sims, CWU alumnus and former deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development speaks at the State of the University address.

Alumnus credits CWU with career success

McKenzie Lakey, Editor-in-Chief
February 23, 2017
Keynote speaker Ron Sims, CWU alumnus and former deputy secretary of the U.S. department of housing and urban development, openly described his experiences and love of CWU to more than 250 students, staff and faculty members at the State of the University address last Thursday, Feb. 16.
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Marijuana Mondays Educates students

Jon Olsen-Koziol, Staff Reporter
February 16, 2017

CWU is doing its part to educate students on marijuana. The Wellness Center is hosting Marijuana Monday’s as a part of Marijuana Awareness Month this February. These events are aimed at educating people...

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CWU works to combat hate

CWU works to combat hate

Ray Payne, Senior News Reporter
February 16, 2017

A coordinating member of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) brought anti-hate messages to CWU last Monday as part of a Not In Our Kittitas County (NIOKC) event. SPLC’s outreach director Lecia...

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Snow piles up on campus

Snow piles up on campus

Sarah Taylor, Staff Reporter
February 9, 2017

Some people think of snow and are reminded of beautiful landscapes, delicious hot chocolate and, of course, fun winter activities. However, CWU students, staff and faculty are reminded of brutally cold...

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Capitol Approach

Capitol Approach

Bryce Jungquist and Xander Fu
February 9, 2017

CWU students and ASCWU members embark on a three hour trip to Olympia, Washington with the sun barely above the hills and temperatures below freezing. They had a clear goal in mind: to push legislators...

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Pot tourism has room to grow

Pot tourism has room to grow

Jon Olsen-Koziol, Staff Reporter
February 9, 2017

Weed legalization has spread further than ever before in the U.S. Eight states and Washington D.C. have legalized recreational cannabis while the rest either have lesser levels of legalization or prohibition. This...

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Scott Drummond hugs a colleague during his retirement party on Thursday, Feb. 2.

‘It’s not good-bye, it’s just see ya later’

McKenzie Lakey, Editor-in-Chief
February 9, 2017

Editor's Note: McKenzie Lakey also works as a media assistant in the Publicity Center, an office which collaborates with Campus Activities.  As a young college student in the 70s, and known as one...

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‘You are welcome here’

Ray Payne, Senior News Reporter
February 2, 2017

Anxiety and fearfulness sums up the feelings of some CWU students on the current political climate. On Monday, Central Washington University president, James Gaudino released a statement addressing...

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MyCWU to get an upgrade

Bailey Smith, Staff Reporter
February 2, 2017

“The new exciting feature for the MyCWU is the Fluid Technology Platform, we can now develop mobile applications for the site,” said Charlene Bane, the information systems business liaison. “We...

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Washington’s Attorney General sues student loan service for deception

Sarah Taylor, Staff Reporter
February 2, 2017

The United States’ total student loan debt is $1.26 trillion and is rising at a pace of 6 percent annually. Students face an average monthly loan payment of $351. This translates to 5,040 of the most...

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