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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman points to the crowd after an audience member shouts out his alma mater, Stanford University.

Sherman intercepts Students of Color Summit

Kailan Manandic, Editor-in-Chief
April 6, 2017

Students from across Washington state gathered in McConnell Auditorium, decked out in Seahawks colors, to hear Richard Sherman answer a few vetted student questions ranging in topic from homemade food...

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Former CWU president James Brooks dead at 91

Xander Fu, News Reporter
April 6, 2017

On April 2 former Central Washington University President James E. Brooks passed away at the age of 91. While active, Brooks’ administration saw campus growth in numbers: 20 buildings were added,...

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King of Cooks

King of Cooks

Jon Olsen-Koziol, Staff Writer
March 9, 2017

Ahmed El Kabouss walks through the sliding glass doors of Safeway to the customer service counter. He’s a slender, well-kept man of Moroccan descent. He has bushy eyebrows, and his thick head of hair...

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Janet Campbell working in her office for Financial Aid in Barge 115.

Shared leave program helps CWU employees

Xander Fu, Staff Reporter
March 1, 2017

For Janet Campbell, customer service specialist at the CWU Financial Aid office, her diagnosis of breast cancer in October 2016 took her by surprise. “I’m super healthy. I donated a kidney three...

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Marijuana is up for rescheduling ... Sort of.

Marijuana is up for rescheduling … Sort of.

Jon Olsen-Koziol, Staff Reporter
March 1, 2017

Republican Virginia Rep. Griffith Morgan introduced HR 715 that could reschedule marijuana which is currently a Schedule I drug. If it passes, marijuana will be rebranded under the Federal Controlled Substance...

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‘Movezilla Cometh’

Bryce Jungquist, Staff Reporter
March 1, 2017

The first phase of a department shift at CWU, named “Movezilla” by facilities, aims to centralize student services in Bouillon Hall. Lathan Wedin is the Director of Capital Planning and Projects...

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'Ashley's Sack' gathers national attention

‘Ashley’s Sack’ gathers national attention

Sarah Taylor, Staff Reporter
March 1, 2017

An associate professor of anthropology and museum studies research on a rare and exciting story was published in USA Today. Mark Auslander was challenged by his students to uncover the story on Ashley’s...

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Rune Torgersen's Getz-Short apartment is pictured with the makeshift gutter and drip bucket placed there by maintenance the day after the leak began.

Short on repairs

Kailan Manandic and McKenzie Lakey
February 23, 2017
Two students share their experiences living in the Getz-Short apartments.
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A group of PR students table in the SURC to inform students and gather support for Mental Health Awareness Week.

Students aim to ‘break the stigma’

McKenzie Lakey, Editor-in-Chief
February 23, 2017

Four CWU public relations students have prepared a week-long series of events to help give voice to mental health awareness, a topic that many believe the American society has long remained silent on. On...

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Terrence B. Siggers at an open forum on Feb. 13. Siggers is one of the four candidates applying to be The 'Burg's general manager.

‘A passion for radio’

April Porter, Staff Reporter
February 23, 2017

CWU administration will soon select one of four candidates applying for the general manager of CWU’s radio station, 88.1 The ‘Burg. It’s been about two years since CWU has interviewed for the...

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Annual CWU business conference to feature state executives

Bailey Smith, Staff Reporter
February 23, 2017

CWU’s College of Business is coordinating an Economic Outlook Conference for Feb. 28 in Sue Lombard Hall. The Economic Outlook Conference (EOC) will start at 8 a.m. and go until 2 p.m. “The topics...

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Washington State Opportunity Scholarship grants CWU $2.2 million for STEM recruitment

Bryce Jungquist, Staff Reporter
February 23, 2017

CWU is one of three Washington universities to receive part of a $6 million grant meant to recruit STEM teacher undergraduates. The Washington State Opportunity Scholarship, chaired by Microsoft president,...

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