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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Scene: Greater Works Chorale to grace Central

Scene: Greater Works Chorale to grace Central

February 12, 2014

BY SPENCER BAKER, Staff Reporter It’s not very often that an award winning gospel choir takes the stage at Central. Singing, dancing and worshipping are all going to be present when DaNell Damon and...

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Scene: Sex Central opens up the discussion for the “Technology of  the Orgasm”

Scene: Sex Central opens up the discussion for the “Technology of the Orgasm”

February 9, 2014

BY RANDI GIBBONS, Online Reporter Sex Central and Dr. Kimberly McBride presented a screening of “Passion and Power: The Technology of the Orgasm,” in the Student Union Recreation Center theater...

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Scene: Pizza Rita becomes Pizza Colin

Scene: Pizza Rita becomes Pizza Colin

February 8, 2014

BY JUSTIN MERRELL, Staff Reporter Although local pizzeria Pizza Rita changed ownership on Feb. 1, the pizza will stay the same. The downtown storefront and menu will remain, and pepperoncinis will even...

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Scene: The Lounge gets a hazy makeover

Scene: The Lounge gets a hazy makeover

February 8, 2014

BY CHELSEA ALEAGA, Staff Reporter There are four, new, young and motivated owners of the hookah bar in town formally known as The Lounge. New owners , Daren Russell, Steven Thomas, Derek Cockrum and...

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Scene: CWU professor Robert Perkins climbs Africa’s biggest challenge

Scene: CWU professor Robert Perkins climbs Africa’s biggest challenge

February 7, 2014

BY CHERILYN PURSEL, Online Reporter Central Washington University recreation and tourism professor Robert Perkins kicked off the Outdoor Speaker series with his inspiring story about his journey climbing...

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Scene: Ellensburg rodeo crowns 2014 royalty

Scene: Ellensburg rodeo crowns 2014 royalty

February 5, 2014

BY KATHERINE GOLARZ, Staff Reporter Andrea Bland,  a student at Central was crowned Ellensburg’s Rodeo Royal Court Queen. The blonde beauty who wore an all-white dress, talked about the 91-year-history...

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Scene: Mollie Edson to bridge student-community gap

Scene: Mollie Edson to bridge student-community gap

February 5, 2014

BY JUSTIN MERRELL, Staff Reporter The divide between campus and downtown is obvious. Many students unwind at the bars on weekends, but otherwise there is little student presence. Mollie Edson,...

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Scene: CWU celebrates Chinese Lunar New Year

Scene: CWU celebrates Chinese Lunar New Year

February 1, 2014

BY CHERILYN PURSEL, Online Reporter The SURC Ballroom was packed wall-to-wall to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year on Thursday night. The event was filled with people of all ages, and from all...

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Scene: Planning the perfect game day party

Scene: Planning the perfect game day party

January 31, 2014

BY KASEY PETERSON, Assistant Online Editor Another season has come and gone in NFL history, and as we celebrate our 2014 NFC champion Seahawks, one very important thing still remains: the Super Bowl...

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Scene: Comedy Night at CWU featured a hilarious pair

Scene: Comedy Night at CWU featured a hilarious pair

January 27, 2014

BY CHERILYN PURSEL, Online Reporter Two comedians, Andrew Rivers and Tyler Boeh, got together Friday night to put on a special show for Central Washington University students and the Ellensburg community. Comedy...

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Scene: Sports Trivia Night tests sports lovers knowledge in SURC Pit

Scene: Sports Trivia Night tests sports lovers knowledge in SURC Pit

January 24, 2014

RANDI GIBBONS, Online Reporter Students and community members gathered on Jan. 22 in the SURC pit for an evening of sports trivia. The event was hosted by University Recreation, Winegar's, and 88.1...

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Scene: Black Out Tour hosted by Craze Entertainment kicks off in Ellensburg

Scene: Black Out Tour hosted by Craze Entertainment kicks off in Ellensburg

January 24, 2014

BY EVAN THOMPSON, Online Editor Jan. 17 was a colder night than most, but inclement weather wasn’t about to stop the rave from going down. Craze Entertainment rolled through Central Washington...

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