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Friday, March 14, 2025

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Scene: Lambert performs through mixture of songs and poetry in SURC Theater

Scene: Lambert performs through mixture of songs and poetry in SURC Theater

January 20, 2014

BY RANDI GIBBONS, Online Reporter Spoken word poet and Grammy nominated singer, Mary Lambert, performed an intense and heart-filled show in the SURC Theater on Jan 17. The venue was moved from the ballroom...

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Scene: Tips for drinking safely in Winter

Scene: Tips for drinking safely in Winter

January 20, 2014

BY CAMILLE BORODEY, Assistant Scene Editor The line of 50 people waiting outside of Club 301 on Friday proved that the cold weather hasn’t stopped Central students from hitting the bars over the...

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Scene: The fifth annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration and Tribute week ends on a high note

Scene: The fifth annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration and Tribute week ends on a high note

January 18, 2014

BY CHERILYN PURSEL, Staff Reporter With Martin Luther King Jr. Day just around the corner, Ellensburg community members and CWU students joined together Thursday night to pay tribute to the hero who...

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Scene: CWU student Sharee Samuels loses 121 pounds and gains national acclaim

Scene: CWU student Sharee Samuels loses 121 pounds and gains national acclaim

January 17, 2014

BY CAMILLE BORODEY, Assistant Scene Editor One could say that 2013 was the best year ever for Central student Sharee Samuels. If getting married in August wasn’t exciting enough, Samuels is featured...

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Scene: "Bluesy adventure metal" band Thunderhound starts back up after summer-long break

Scene: “Bluesy adventure metal” band Thunderhound starts back up after summer-long break

December 19, 2013

BY COLLIN JOHNSON, Staff Reporter Describing themselves as a “bluesy adventure metal” band, Thunderhound is gearing up to begin recording in their new space after a summer-long hiatus and to resume...

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Scene: Seasonal Affective Disorder remains a medical mystery to scientists

Scene: Seasonal Affective Disorder remains a medical mystery to scientists

December 14, 2013

BY JULIAN DOUMIT, Staff Reporter The leaves fall, the ground is covered in a thin layer of frost and the temperature drops. As the days grow shorter, people spend more and more of their lives in darkness....

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Scene: CWU students create Cosplay and Costuming Club

Scene: CWU students create Cosplay and Costuming Club

December 3, 2013

BY SARAH RUIZ, Staff Reporter In the next few weeks, Central may become the home of the official Cosplay and Costuming Club, if the group is approved. “Our idea is to have a friendly environment...

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Scene: Micro no more: Iron Horse Brewery expands

Scene: Micro no more: Iron Horse Brewery expands

November 23, 2013

BY COLLIN JOHNSON, Staff Reporter The locally founded Iron Horse Brewery recently closed its tasting room on Prospect Street and its micro pub on Main Street, and consolidated into one location next...

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Scene: Yes, he cannabis: the tale of The Lounge owner, TJ McDonald, and a budding new industry

Scene: Yes, he cannabis: the tale of The Lounge owner, TJ McDonald, and a budding new industry

November 21, 2013

BY CAMILLE BORODEY, Staff Reporter The interior of The Lounge looks like a college student’s dream living room, except at The Lounge, there isn’t a landlord trying to evict pot smokers for lighting...

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Scene: "Sex, Death, and Geometry: A Thirty-Year Retrospective" exhibits the collection of work by artist David Brody

Scene: “Sex, Death, and Geometry: A Thirty-Year Retrospective” exhibits the collection of work by artist David Brody

November 10, 2013

BY SARAH RUIZ, Staff Reporter Walking into the Sarah Spurgeon Gallery and seeing the walls plastered with sexual subjects, death and geometric figures may confuse anyone who is unclear of what they...

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Scene: CWU student and former Marine, William Reichlen, opens up his own brewery in Kittitas

Scene: CWU student and former Marine, William Reichlen, opens up his own brewery in Kittitas

November 8, 2013

BY COLLIN JOHNSON, Staff Reporter Housed in a hundred-year-old Kittitas building is Central student William Reichlen’s self-owned and operated brewery, Colockum Craft Brewing. The brewery itself...

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Scene: Central's theatre department performance of culturally-relevant "Nanawatai" is nearing perfection

Scene: Central’s theatre department performance of culturally-relevant “Nanawatai” is nearing perfection

November 7, 2013

BY CAMILLE BORODEY The Central theatre department is putting the finishing touches on its performance of the culturally-relevant drama “Nanawatai,” by William Mastrosimone. “Nanawatai” tells...

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