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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Benjamin ‘Ben’ Lee was encouraged by his mother to make origami in high school. It’s a habit he has continued for the past year, handing creations out in the SURC.

The origami elephant

Aeryn Kauffman, Copy Desk Chief/Opinion Editor
November 10, 2020

If you’ve walked through the SURC on a weekday, you may have seen a student with glasses and a long, origami nose. He may have handed you a piece of origami in the shape of a heart, or a paper flower...

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Third party over here!

Third party over here!

Ryan Nakamura, Staff Reporter
November 3, 2020

In the United States there are two major political parties, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.  These are not the only political parties in the U.S.  According to the American Association...

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Theatre department brings Edgar Allan Poe paintings to life

Theatre department brings Edgar Allan Poe paintings to life

Abigail Duchow, Scene Editor
November 3, 2020

On Nov. 5-7 at 7:30 p.m. the theatre department will be bringing Edgar Allan Poe’s paintings to life as a live art exhibit. Small physically distanced groups are invited to walk around the exterior of...

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One in-person event was the Halloween Candy Grab Bag. Trick-or-treaters drove through different locations and picked up candy for their kids.

Trick-or-treat COVID-19 style, haunted homes tour and more for this year’s Ellensburg Halloweek

Jayce Kadoun, Staff Reporter
November 3, 2020

Ellensburg Halloweek took place Oct. 26-31 and included a number of Halloween related activities and events put on by the Ellensburg Downtown Association both online and in-person.  The in-person events...

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Joey Packer (left) and Roberto Chavez (right). Diversity and Equity Center (DEC) staff provided games, pan de muerto and candy for students celebrating Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead.

Día de los Muertos brings color to the community

The Diversity and Equity Center (DEC) held a Día de los Muertos celebration, complete with pan de muerto, art, games and music on the SURC Patio East on Friday, Oct. 30 from 4-7 p.m. Día de los Muertos,...

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Torrey Johnson displays his success in hunting ducks in the east side of Washington.

Hunters’ tips for success in the field

Jayce Kadoun, Staff Reporter
October 27, 2020

Duck hunting season opened Oct. 17 and hunters will now be out in the woods looking to shoot their limit.  With varying weather conditions, traffic in the wilderness and other factors at play, experienced...

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Playing by Housing rules

Playing by Housing rules

Ryan Nakamura, Staff Reporter
October 27, 2020

Residence halls have seen fewer residents as a result of CWU’s decision to have all available dorm rooms functioning as single residence spaces. Alice Verona, a senior computer science major who was...

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Embracing the ‘L’ word

Embracing the ‘L’ word

Star Diavolikis, Staff Reporter
October 27, 2020

Grace Hendricks, a junior LGBTQ student double majoring in personal financial planning and in Japanese language, refuses to let anything stand in her way. Hendricks realized she identified as a lesbian...

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National Transfer Student Week is a way that CWU assists people that have transferred from other colleges feel at home in Ellensburg.

CWU welcomes transfer students with National Transfer Student Week events

Jayce Kadoun, Staff Reporter
October 20, 2020

National Transfer Student Week will be held Oct. 19-23 and will include a number of events aimed at assisting transfer students with their transition to CWU.  The transfer center responsible for the...

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Getting in the spirits of Halloween

Getting in the spirits of Halloween

Ryan Nakamura, Staff Reporter
October 20, 2020

For students 21 and older, the answer to quarantine boredom is simple: drink! Instead of meeting friends at a bar, some chose to mix up a nice drink or two and video-chat with them. Megan Anderson,...

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Students’ diets go downhill

Students’ diets go downhill

Ryan Nakamura, Staff Reporter
October 16, 2020

Four walls, a bed and a desk. These are the sights students on campus have grown accustomed to. Their dorm rooms, where the majority of their day is spent, serve as sleeping quarters, a dining room and...

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Students readjust to life after isolation

Jared Galanti, Staff Reporter
October 16, 2020

When spring break came around last year, very few people could have predicted that many around the country would be forced to be stuck in their homes for months with no one to hang out with except for...

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