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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Annual Parade of Nations event happening via Zoom this week

Annual Parade of Nations event happening via Zoom this week

Sean Bessette, Scene Editor
February 23, 2021

The Diversity and Equity Center (DEC) and Office of International Studies and Programs are putting on the annual Parade of Nations on Feb. 24 and Feb. 25.  Different from the previous Parade of Nations...

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Without animals, life would be “ruff”

Without animals, life would be “ruff”

RachelAnn Degnan, Senior Reporter
February 16, 2021

In Ellensburg, some students have found that having a furry companion helps them better handle school and life stresses. Naomi Whiting, a junior studying French, has had her rabbit in the dorms with...

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Under phase two of Gov. Jay Inslee’s Roadmap to Recovery, indoor dining is allowed at 25% capacity.

The Porch navigates open-air seating rules under Inslee’s Recovery plan

Libby Williams, Staff Reporter
February 16, 2021

Restaurant owners have juggled staying afloat and following rules within the phases of Gov. Jay Inslee’s Roadmap to Recovery. The Porch Bar and Grill has the tools necessary to remain open with multiple...

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Local non-profit organization receives community help after thieves take $10,000 worth of items

David Snyder, Staff Reporter
February 16, 2021

When Kittitas Environmental Education Network (KEEN) staff members arrived at Helen McCabe State Park on Feb. 1, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. That was, until they noticed someone had jimmied the...

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COVID-19 affects the Girl Scouts business

Nidia Torres, Staff Reporter
February 16, 2021

From the fresh tanginess of lemon to the lush, buttery toffee flavor, the choices of flavors are many when it comes to the Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho (GSEWNI). GSEWNI have maintained...

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Campus Activities: student created and student led

Campus Activities: student created and student led

Jackson Sorensen, Staff Reporter
February 16, 2021

Campus Activities has been adapting to the constant changes surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic since last March. The events displayed on social media are student created ideas and are student led. Robbi...

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Winter driving: what to know in order to stay safe

Winter driving: what to know in order to stay safe

Jackson Sorensen, Staff Reporter
February 9, 2021

When it comes to winter driving, there are many things that need to be taken into account to keep everyone safe.  John Bryant is a Public Information Officer for the State Patrol for District 6. He...

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Saving 101: helping students save money while in college

Saving 101: helping students save money while in college

Nidia Torres, Staff Reporter
February 9, 2021

Trying to save money might be hard for some college students. Resisting the urge to buy stuff that might not be necessary versus the stuff that is might be overwhelming at times. For students, saving...

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It is not length of life, but depth of life

RachelAnn Degnan, Senior Reporter
February 9, 2021

Today our world now more than ever is almost entirely shaped by famous people and celebrities that leave a lasting impression. CWU students recently shared some deceased celebrities who have left a lasting...

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FISH requests Valentine's Day cards for Meals on Wheels senior clients

FISH requests Valentine’s Day cards for Meals on Wheels senior clients

David Snyder, Staff Reporter
February 9, 2021

FISH Community Food Bank’s Meals on Wheels program, a nutritional delivery service, will deliver Valentine’s Day cards to homebound seniors living across Kittitas County. Meals on Wheels clients...

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Another holiday during the pandemic

Another holiday during the pandemic

Libby Williams, Staff Reporter
February 9, 2021

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, marking off yet another holiday during the pandemic. Students are getting creative in finding ways to celebrate safely with those they love. Kevin Williams,...

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Music classes hope to be a role-model for what safe learning can look like across the university.

Band students safely return to McIntyre Hall

Libby Williams, Staff Reporter
February 2, 2021

After two quarters of campus-wide online learning, performance based music classes are transitioning back to an in-person format. This shift comes with many safety regulations to ensure performers stay...

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