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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Aerial from Craig Hill before July 4, 1889: This photograph depicts the young city of Ellensburg, taken before the fire from Craig’s Hill, between 3rd Avenue (to the left) and 4th Avenue (on right). The big white building slightly right of center is the Johnson House (it looks like a three-tiered cake). That building was located on the northwest corner of West 4th Avenue and North Pearl Street (today where Rotary Pavilion is), and was where patrons attending a dance first noticed the J. S. Anthony building on fire.

Fire Alarm saves the Clymer Museum

Joshua Smith, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2021

Fire has seared itself into the annals of Ellensburg. From the great fire on July 4, 1889, which destroyed nearly 200 homes, and the more recent fire at the Clymer Museum, which resulted in an estimated...

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Connecting the Community through Movement

Connecting the Community through Movement

Lexi Wicks, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2021

The Ellensburg Dance Ensemble is opening The Studio, a new dance studio, right on Main Street. On Monday, April 12, The Studio officially opened up, offering a variety of classes, with the options of hip...

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Ellensburg City Council scouts for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity commission members

Ellensburg City Council scouts for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity commission members

Milenne Quinonez, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2021

The Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Commission has recently accepted applications to be on the commission. The Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Commission has been in the works since July of 2020. The...

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The Irene Rinehart Riverfront Park is open from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days per week.

Irene Rinehart Riverfront Park reopens

Jamie Wyatt, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2021

On Friday, April 2, Irene Rinehart Riverfront Park reopened to the public after being closed for the last nine months. The original closure was done at the behest of  Kittitas County’s Public Health...

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Mickael Candelaria

Past ASCWU presidents gather to discuss their time serving students

Mariana Gonzalez, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2021

Past ASCWU presidents and current president Mickael Candelaria gathered on April 6 to discuss their time as ASCWU president. The event held over Zoom invited CWU students to come and listen as the panelists...

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WiseCrax: Together again, a beginner’s guide

Libby Williams, Columnist
April 14, 2021

Welcome to WiseCrax, a weekly column by Libby Williams. It will hopefully serve as a safety corner in the newspaper for right after you’ve read your department got defunded or that parking passes will...

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The power of TikTok: Making dreams come true

The power of TikTok: Making dreams come true

Star Diavolikis, Scene Editor
April 7, 2021

Small businesses have sprouted on TikTok, many ranging from unique earring sellers to lip gloss sellers to special stickers. A scroll through the #smallbusiness tag on TikTok can show how well the app...

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Windy City Toys and Collectibles’ Facebook page states its goal is to “provide some of the best quality hobby and toy products” to its customers.

How the stimulus has led to scalping collectibles

Ondrea Machin, Senior Reporter
April 7, 2021

At the start of the pandemic, people were buying up toilet paper and masks and reselling them for an overpriced amount. Now, game shops are having the same issue with collectibles.  Bailey Strom, owner...

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CWU offered spring events

CWU offered spring events

Ondrea Machin, Senior Reporter
April 7, 2021

In an effort to keep students in Ellensburg and minimize the spread of COVID-19, CWU offered quite a few activities over spring break. Students had the options of Monday Movie Madness, trivia, fireside...

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CPR and first aid courses offered at Recreation Center

CPR and first aid courses offered at Recreation Center

Nidia Torres, Staff Reporter
March 9, 2021

According to the American Heart Association, nearly 45% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims survived when bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) was administered. A person not breathing or...

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CWU encourages students to stay in town for spring break

CWU encourages students to stay in town for spring break

Libby Williams, Staff Reporter
March 9, 2021

Multiple departments are joining forces to provide activities during spring break in an attempt to keep students in town and reduce the spread of COVID-19. There will be online and in person events in...

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Dr. D: From teaching to TikTok

Jackson Sorensen, Staff Reporter
March 9, 2021

David Douglas, or “Dr. D” as he is better known on campus and online, is a senior lecturer in the ITAM department and has been part of CWU for nine years. He went to Pierce Community College, received...

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