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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Students protest peacefully against police brutality and racism in honor of those who have died.

Students continue to lead protests in Ellensburg

Mitchell Roland, Editor-in-Chief
September 15, 2020

In the wake of George Floyd’s death in Minnesota in May, race relations have once again dominated headlines as protests take place across the country, including in Ellensburg. Two current CWU students...

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CWU implements socialization model for safe behavior

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
September 15, 2020

In preparation for opening for fall quarter, CWU has implemented several models to normalize behavior that corresponds with new health and safety measures through socialization. These models were built...

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While on campus students and faculty are expected to follow COVID-19 protocols.

Outbreak response and resources secured for fall

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
September 15, 2020

CWU has secured promised health and safety resources for students and employees this fall quarter, along with assembling a COVID-19 task force to respond to any positive cases of COVID-19 that occur on...

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“Go with the flow” CWU sign prompting students to stay safe and distanced

COVID-19 health and safety measures enforced on campus

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
September 15, 2020

Following the decision to open campus during the pandemic, a number of health and safety measures have caused changes on campus. Many of these have taken the form of physical changes made to spaces on...

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Health checks and mitigation form implemented as campus reopens

Health checks and mitigation form implemented as campus reopens

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
August 28, 2020

CWU has announced the new launch date of the COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Compliance form students and employees will be required to sign stating they understand and agree to the university's COVID-19...

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CWU Foundation data breached in security incident

CWU Foundation data breached in security incident

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
August 19, 2020

Blackbaud, the cloud computing and customer relations provider for the CWU Foundation, was targeted by a ransomware attack in May, according to a letter sent to Foundation members on Aug. 11. Credit card...

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Students and employees required to sign risk mitigation form

Students and employees required to sign risk mitigation form

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
August 12, 2020

Update A statement from the university, published to the CWU website Aug. 13, announced that the form all students and employees will be required to complete has been put on hold and will not appear...

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Courtesy of | See bottom of story for attribution

Trump signs executive order to ban TikTok unless bought by U.S. company

Nicholas Tucker, Editor-in-Chief
August 7, 2020

In an executive order signed August 6 by President Donald Trump, TikTok will be effectively banned from operating in the United States in 45 days unless it is sold by its Chinese-based parent company,...

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Board of Trustees detail fall reopening plans, address concerns

Board of Trustees detail fall reopening plans, address concerns

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
July 24, 2020

UPDATE An email addressed to the CWU community, sent out by President James L. Gaudino on July 24, announced that due to COVID-19 case numbers growing nationally and regionally, CWU must limit the number...

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Kittitas County reports three additional COVID-19-associated deaths

Kittitas County reports three additional COVID-19-associated deaths

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
July 21, 2020

Kittitas County Public Health Department (KCPHD) has announced the deaths of three more long-term care facility residents. It was not specified which care facilities they were residents of. To date, long-term...

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Kittitas County sees changes in gathering restrictions

Kittitas County sees changes in gathering restrictions

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
July 21, 2020

Gov. Jay Inslee’s orders, which reduce the maximum number of people who are allowed to gather, went into effect statewide on July 20. Kittitas County now has a gathering restriction of 10 people, reduced...

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First death associated with COVID-19 in Kittitas County

First death associated with COVID-19 in Kittitas County

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
July 20, 2020

On July 19, a Kittitas County resident living in the long-term care facility Pacifica Senior Living died from COVID-19. According to a press release from the Kittitas County Public Health Department (KCPHD),...

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