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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

CWU announces layoffs, outlines budget shortfall

CWU announces layoffs, outlines budget shortfall

Mitchell Roland, Editor-in-Chief
October 5, 2020

 Citing a decline in students enrolled and living on campus as well as a challenging financial outlook, CWU announced 56 layoffs on Sept. 30 that will impact 48 employees tied to residential services. Soon...

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Wellness Center provides online mental health training for students

Jessica Perez, Staff Reporter
October 1, 2020

 Not everyone is prepared to deal with a friend having a mental health crisis. That is why the Wellness Center teamed up with a vendor called Kognito Campus to offer a virtual game that teaches students...

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The APOYO food bank is still looking for a new permanent location on campus.

CWU and APOYO still in talks to move distribution center

Ty Mcphee, Staff Reporter
October 1, 2020

Allied People Offering Year-Round Outreach (APOYO) is still waiting to hear from CWU on its potential relocation to the New York Teriyaki building after their lease with CWU was not renewed. APOYO is...

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Further information on campus COVID-19 status made public

Further information on campus COVID-19 status made public

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
September 30, 2020

Following an email sent by President James L. Gaudino confirming 16 positive cases of COVID-19 on campus, further information on why the university has not been disclosing case numbers and how it has been...

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President Gaudino announces layoffs

Mitchell Roland, Editor-in-Chief
September 30, 2020

Citing reduced enrollment and a limited number of students living on campus, CWU President James L. Gaudino announced in an email to the campus community this morning that 56 positions at the Ellensburg...

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Rally participants held up flags representing various things they believe in.

Locals hold rally in support of Trump and conservatives

Abigail Duchow, Scene Editor
September 29, 2020

A group of people supporting President Trump gathered on Sept. 25 at South Entry Park on the corner of Canyon Road and Mountain View Avenue. Onlookers in cars stared, honked and sped by. Some thrusted...

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The city of Ellensburg has updated their transportation plan to ensure residents have more options besides motorized vehicles. The city updates this plan roughly every 10 years.

City of Ellensburg completes plan for non-motorized transportation

David Hartless, Staff Reporter
September 27, 2020

The City of Ellensburg released a report by Fehr & Peers, a transportation consulting firm out of Seattle, to implement a plan called The Active Transportation Plan (ATP) on Sept. 8. The ATP was...

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Demonstrators gather to raise awareness about climate change

Aeryn Kauffman, Copy Desk Chief/Opinion Editor
September 26, 2020

On the corner of University and Wildcat Ways, a small crowd of demonstrators waved at cars and displayed signs reading “Greta Thunberg,” “one planet” and hand drawn sketches of Earth on Friday,...

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CWU offering students Emotional Intelligence Badges for display on their social media platforms

Ty Mcphee, Staff Reporter
September 24, 2020

CWU is offering the first ever Emotional Intelligence Badges for students to display on their social media profiles through its new course, Emotional Intelligence for Professionals (BUS411). The course...

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To ensure safety the library archives had to limit the number of people allowed to visit.

Brooks Library implements COVID-19 safety measures

Star Diavolikis, Staff Reporter
September 22, 2020

Brooks Library has reopened for fall quarter, and due to COVID-19, the archives section has made specific adjustments. These include having to schedule an appointment, increasing sanitary and safety procedures...

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Protesters against police brutality hold up Black Lives Matter signs they made.

Protesting for change

Amy Morris, Managing/Online Editor
September 18, 2020

Several hundred protesters against police brutality marched from Nicholson Pavilion to the courthouse in downtown Ellensburg on Sept. 17. Students, faculty and community members rallied while chanting...

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Work continues to fully implement new Title IX regulations at CWU

Mitchell Roland, Editor-in-Chief
September 15, 2020

As the new school year begins and some students return to campus, new Title IX rules around sexual misconduct are in the process of being implemented on college campuses across the country. Passed in...

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