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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Tech CEO Delivers AI Lecture

Tech CEO Delivers AI Lecture

Stephen Martin, Staff Reporter
November 4, 2021

CEO of Know Labs Phil Bosua delivered the final lecture of a series titled, “AI: The Future is Now,” supported by the Douglas Honors College. Held in-person at Heebler Hall on Oct. 27, the lecture...

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Failed transformer leaves psychology building empty until late November

Failed transformer leaves psychology building empty until late November

Katherine Camarata, Staff Reporter
November 4, 2021

The transformer in the basement of the psychology building had an unexpected failure before the beginning of fall quarter, leaving the building without electrical service and students without a classroom. “There...

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Looking for jobs? CWU holds Career Services Job Fair

Looking for jobs? CWU holds Career Services Job Fair

Chuck Dickson, Staff Reporter
November 4, 2021

CWU held a job fair for their students on Oct. 28, with multiple businesses and organizations in attendance coming out for the event to allow students to reach out and make connections. Businesses that...

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ASCWU addresses vandalism at Brooks Library and sneak peek at the Health Science building

ASCWU addresses vandalism at Brooks Library and sneak peek at the Health Science building

Stephen Martin, Staff Reporter
November 4, 2021

The ASCWU met in the SURC pit on Monday to discuss prior and upcoming student events.Director of Student Life and Facilities Alejandra Cruz-Martinez spoke about the board having the opportunity to tour...

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Two city council races too close to call

Two city council races too close to call

Sean Bessette, Editor in Chief
November 3, 2021

This election has been unlike any other. One city council candidate withdrew a day before the election, another candidate is an incumbent of 20 years and one race has a 26 vote difference.  The 2021...

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Lines in Central Marketplace can often be seen wrapping around the entrance.

Understaffing at dining services causes problems

Laynie Erickson and Libby Williams
October 28, 2021

    If you’ve walked through the SURC Dining area since fall quarter began, you’ve probably heard rumblings of discontent about Dining Services.  Students who rely on dining services for all...

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Sustainability Cafe comes clean with ideas

Sustainability Cafe comes clean with ideas

Danny Dang, Staff Reporter
October 28, 2021

The Sustainability Café is an event where staff and students get together to brainstorm eco-friendly ideas for CWU and the community to implement. They had a meeting that brought many ideas and plans...

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Halloween Havoc: Ellensburg and CWU prepare to excite for the spooky season.

Halloween Havoc: Ellensburg and CWU prepare to excite for the spooky season.

Chuck Dickson, Staff Reporter
October 28, 2021

For Ellensburg residents and CWU students, there are plenty of upcoming events to celebrate Halloween. One of the events for Halloween weekend is a production of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”...

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Three positions open for City Council election

Three positions open for City Council election

Stephen Martin, Staff Reporter
October 28, 2021

Three of Ellensburg’s seven city council seats are up for election on Nov. 2. Two positions are between current council members and opposing candidates, whereas one is between two new candidates as the...

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Brooks Library defaced with homophobic slurs and partisan political statements

Brooks Library defaced with homophobic slurs and partisan political statements

Star Diavolikis, News Editor
October 22, 2021

Brooks Library staff discovered Sharpie grafitti throughout the library consisting of “partisan political statements and homophobic language,” according to the Dean of Libraries Rebecca Lubas. This...

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It’s all gourd in the ‘Burg

It’s all gourd in the ‘Burg

Danny Dang, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2021

Fall festivities have always included a visit to the pumpkin patch. There are plenty of farms in the greater Washington area, but if students can’t go far, there are two local pumpkin patches to go to. Dusty’s...

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ASCWU meeting updates students on CWU events

ASCWU expands on upcoming events and forums

Katherine Camarata, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2021

ASCWU members discussed upcoming events including homecoming events and forums during their public meeting Monday afternoon. This week is homecoming week and, according to Vice President of Student...

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