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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Community members and students joined together to pick up litter.

SLICE cleans Wilson Creek

Stephen Martin, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2021

CWU’s Student Leadership, Involvement, and Community Engagement (SLICE) club and the Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group met at Wilson Creek on Saturday Oct. 9 to plant native grass species along...

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Vaccine Deadline Passes

Vaccine Deadline Passes

Stephen Martin, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2021

The deadline for students to submit their COVID-19 vaccination records passed on Oct. 18. As of publication, 8,561 out of approximately 10,200 total students have submitted their records. Of those who...

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Ellensburg takes steps to be more inclusive to travelers and locals.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Ellensburg takes steps to be more inclusive to travelers and locals.

Chuck Dickson, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2021

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Commission has been working on ways they can improve the connection between the city and the community. This includes fixing accessibility issues and understanding...

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ASCWU meeting updates students on CWU events

ASCWU meeting intends to increase student involvement

Katherine Camarata, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2021

Director of Governmental Affairs Edgar Espino announced the Get Out The Vote drive was reduced to only one day instead of three days. The event dates canceled were Oct. 19 and Oct. 21. The event will be...

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CWU Alumni G-Man Denke uses music to cope with depression

Breaking the Stigma: Depression

Katherine Camarata, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2021

This article discusses the concepts of self harm and suicide, content which some readers may find upsetting. “Everybody knows what it’s like to be sad,” CWU Psychology Lecturer Cynthia Engel said....

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Wohlpart delivered his first State of the University speech as CWU's President in the Concert Hall of the Music Building on Oct. 20.

President Wohlpart delivers State of the University speech

Sean Bessette, Editor in Chief
October 20, 2021

Roughly four years ago, President Jim Wohlpart and his father, who passed away from cancer a little over a year ago, drove up the Cherohala Skyway in Tennessee to the Snowbird Mountain Lodge in Robbinsville,...

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CWU releases Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

CWU releases Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

Sean Bessette, Editor in Chief
October 13, 2021

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report was sent to all students, faculty and staff via email by Police Chief Jason Berthon-Koch on Thursday, Sept. 30. The crime statistics presented in the report are...

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Fall enrollment numbers released; CWU sees roughly 8% decrease

Fall enrollment numbers released; CWU sees roughly 8% decrease

Sean Bessette, Editor in Chief
October 13, 2021

Over 10,200 students are attending CWU’s Ellensburg campus and its eight sites and centers across Washington this fall, according to the 10-day census published in an article on The number is...

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Company booths lined up to offer students internships and jobs.

Career fair provides future opportunities for students

Katherine Camarata, Staff Reporter
October 10, 2021

The SURC Ballroom bustled with dozens of company booths and students eager to make career connections Thursday Oct. 7 during the first Engineering, Technologies, Safety and Construction Fair since the...

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Local resident arrested in connection to overdose death

Local resident arrested in connection to overdose death

Stephen Martin, Staff Reporter
October 10, 2021

A 19-year-old Ellensburg resident was arrested in Hawaii on Tuesday in connection with the overdose death of Sage Francois. According to a post on the Ellensburg Police Department’s Facebook page,...

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Image courtesy of Central Washington University, Dr. Maria Roditeleva-Wibe, senior lecturer of Music Theory & History

In memoriam: Maria Roditeleva-Wibe

Chuck Dickson, Staff Reporter
October 10, 2021

Maria Roditeleva-Wibe, tenured music instructor at CWU, passed away Oct. 2 after a battle with COVID-19, according to her obituary. Originally from Ufa, Bashkiria, Russia, Roditeleva-Wibe was an accomplished...

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PUSH pantry serves CWU community

PUSH pantry serves CWU community

Katherine Camarata, Staff Reporter
October 9, 2021

The opening of the Presidents United To Solve Hunger (PUSH) centralized pantry in the Brooks Library took place on Oct. 4th. The pantry is in the main lobby of the library and will be the main area for...

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