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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

CWU lifts mask mandate

CWU lifts mask mandate

Evan Couch, News Editor
April 14, 2022

CWU lifted all mask mandates on campus on Friday, April 8. President Jim Wohlpart announced the much anticipated move to go maskless for the spring quarter in March. Other than gatherings indoors over...

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Orpheus in the Underworld

Orpheus in the Underworld

Megan Rogers, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2022

Orpheus and Eurydice was a story of music, love and tragedy, but that all changed when the CWU Opera performed an adaptation of “Orpheus in the Underworld” by Anthony T. Buck. The adaptation is based...

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The shelf stands empty after the College of Business Dean and Associate Dean recycled copies of the paper on preview day.

Editorial: Censorship is alive and well

Star Diavolikis, Editor-in-Chief
April 13, 2022

Over the past weekend, we received a report of the College of Business Dean Jeffrey Stinson and Associate Dean Keke “Coco” Wu actively attempting to throw our papers in Shaw-Smyser into a recycling...

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Ellensburg speaks up against librarian cuts

Ellensburg speaks up against librarian cuts

Wayne Gray, Staff Reporter
April 13, 2022

Certified librarians in the Ellensburg School District have been reduced due to budget cuts. Employees are speaking out, even if it means someone else does the talking. The decision to reduce library...

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ASCWU Debate

ASCWU Debate

Libby Williams, News Editor
April 7, 2022

The first of two ASCWU election debates was held in the SURC pit Monday night.  A total of eight students are running to fill six positions. Rachael Medalia is running for president, Kerrick Englemann...

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2023 budget projections reflect impending cuts

2023 budget projections reflect impending cuts

Katherine Camarata, Scene Editor
April 6, 2022

The 2023 budget projections reflect decreases in Non-Tenured Track (NTT) faculty salary from previous years across all departments, with the Colleges of Education and Professional Studies, Arts and Humanities...

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Courtesy of Laynie Erickson

Your music central

Libby Williams, News Editor
April 6, 2022

Laynie Erickson Laynie Erickson is “busy all the time,” but that’s how she likes it. The senior media and journalism student is news director at the station, is one of the hosts of daily show...

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Alford-Montgomoery residents relocated to new halls due to boiler failure

Alford-Montgomoery residents relocated to new halls due to boiler failure

Evan Couch, News Editor
April 6, 2022

Residents of Alford-Montgomoery Hall (Al-Monty) started off the quarter by being told they need to pack up their belongings and move to another hall. A boiler failure causing heating issues is what made...

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88.1 the ‘Burg wins three awards from the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System

88.1 the ‘Burg wins three awards from the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System

Evan Couch, News Editor
April 6, 2022

CWU’s 88.1 the ‘Burg was named Best College Radio Station in the Nation by the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS). As part of the IBS’s 82nd annual conference which nominates and awards college...

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President Jim Wohlpart has announced the next steps in CWU’s mask mandate this spring

President Jim Wohlpart has announced the next steps in CWU’s mask mandate this spring

Libby Williams, Scene Editor
March 17, 2022

In an email to all students and staff, President Wohlpart announced that at the end of the day on April 8, masks will no longer be required in classrooms and large indoor gatherings (500 or more individuals.) Until...

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Will CWU’s indoor mask mandate be rescinded? Students and staff share their thoughts.

Will CWU’s indoor mask mandate be rescinded? Students and staff share their thoughts.

Sean Bessette
March 9, 2022

Masks have been required in all indoor settings at CWU since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The indoor mask mandate completely changed the way students interact on campus. As spring quarter approaches,...

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Courtesy of CWU Flickr

Fall enrollment projections spark concerns over NTT faculty job security

Katherine Camarata, Senior Reporter
March 2, 2022

Early projections for fall 2022 budget and enrollment have caused concern among faculty, staff and department chairs over the future of many Non-Tenure Track (NTT) faculty positions across the university.  Multiple...

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