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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Washington law enforcement cracks down on fentanyl distributors

Washington law enforcement cracks down on fentanyl distributors

Wayne Gray, Staff Reporter
May 4, 2022

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Washington indicted Jonathan Rivera-Venegas on charges of conspiracy and distribution of fentanyl in Ellensburg on April 5.  According to a release...

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Attendees said that it is important to have discussions regarding sexuality.

Discussion on bisexuality connects community

Milenne Quinonez, Staff Reporter
May 4, 2022

The Diversity and Equity Center (DEC) hosted “Find Your People: Bi Bi Bi” for students who shared the same sexual orientation, in Black Hall 103. Students connected with one another and had a conversation...

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Letter to the Editor: From Student Press Freedom Initiative

Letter to the Editor: From Student Press Freedom Initiative

Lindsie Rank, Student Press Counsel, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
April 28, 2022

CWU’s assertion that the recent administrative confiscation of copies of The Observer during CWU Preview Day “could have been handled differently” is a laughable understatement. When College of...

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Courtesy of Marla Pugh | Nick Fury

Ellensburg new foster based rescue helps animals with special needs

Milenne Quinonez, Staff Reporter
April 27, 2022

Josie's Misfit Ranch, a foster-based animal rescue in Kittitas County, offers special care for dogs and cats with disabilities and behavioral issues.  Marla Pugh, the founder of the rescue, started...

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Ellensburg High School takes precaution against threats towards LGBTQ+ students

Ellensburg High School takes precaution against threats towards LGBTQ+ students

Evan Couch, News Editor
April 27, 2022

As Ellensburg High School (EHS) wrapped up its annual Associated Student Body (ASB) elections, threats towards two student candidates prompted the district to move candidate speeches to a virtual setting...

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CWU changes room and board rates

CWU changes room and board rates

Wayne Gray, Staff Reporter
April 27, 2022

CWU’s change to a “Same Rate, Same Room” policy may simplify room and board for some, but increase housing costs for others. CWU recently changed its pricing model for the 2022-2023 academic year...

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Students have experienced vehicles being tampered with in CWU parking lots.

Car parts stolen in CWU parking lots

Libby Williams, News Editor
April 27, 2022

“Vehicle prowlers” are known not just for stealing from inside the car, but underneath as well. Senior professional and creative writing major and writer for PULSE magazine, Paije Maas said her...

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Professors talk about the weaponization of marijuana

Professors talk about the weaponization of marijuana

Wayne Gray, Staff Reporter
April 21, 2022

Once a common crop of the working class, marijuana was weaponized in the 20th century U.S. as part of a campaign of white supremacy, according to Jason Dormady, a CWU history professor. Dormady said that...

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Editorial: University responds to removing copies of The Observer

Editorial: University responds to removing copies of The Observer

Star Diavolikis, Editor in Chief
April 20, 2022

We received a lot of responses to our editorial last week titled “Censorship is alive and well: Business administration discarded The Observer.” This editorial discussed a situation involving the College...

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Photo from inside The Botany Shop

Local Ellensburg botany shop wins best new business

Megan Rogers, Staff Reporter
April 20, 2022

The Botany Shop, a local plant and botanical goods store, won Kittitas County's Best New Business award.  After opening her doors for business on May 28, 2021, owner April Rohrbach shared her excitement...

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Wellness Center honors National Sexual Abuse Awareness Month

Wellness Center honors National Sexual Abuse Awareness Month

Libby Williams, News Editor
April 20, 2022

Shirts with messages of, "stop the abuse," "never lose your voice," "no means no, not maybe" and more hang above the SURC's dining area. This is in honor of sexual assault victims for Sexual Assault Awareness...

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Ellensburg Identifies transportation gaps and needs

Ellensburg Identifies transportation gaps and needs

Milenne Quinonez, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2022

People for People and the 4 County Community Transportation team came together on Wednesday, April 6 and asked the community to help Identify  needs, issues and solutions for Ellensburg public transportation....

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