ASCWU Debate

Libby Williams, News Editor

The first of two ASCWU election debates was held in the SURC pit Monday night. 

A total of eight students are running to fill six positions. Rachael Medalia is running for president, Kerrick Englemann and Luis Reyes are running for vice president, Joseph Gabriel Burke is running for director of governmental affairs, Mariah Minjarez is running for director of equity and multicultural affairs, Brayden Smith and Stephen Williford are running for senate speaker, and Briana Silva is running for director of student life.

Candidates were given three minutes to answer questions proposed by student moderators. Those running against an opponent were then given two minutes to rebuttal, and one minute for final thoughts.

The questions ranged from appointing committee members on campus to how candidates would educate themselves on the issues of underrepresented students.

Candidates took time at the end of the debate to explain key goals of their campaigns.

“I lean into the three pillars of sustainability as what I advocate for,” Medalia said. “The three pillars of sustainability are environmental, economic and social sustainability.”

“I’ve learned from my predecessors that change can start on the small level, but I do think that one person can make a change,” Reyes said. “I would like to see some restructuring of the way ASCWU serves the student body. I would like to see the student body listened to.”

“Students need to know about what’s going on,” Englemann said. “So, working with publicity, working with social media, working with outlets to get the information out there is important.”

Some candidates, specifically Medalia, Minjarez, Gabriel Burke and Silva, already have experience on ASCWU and are hoping to return to their current position or move to a new one. 

The next debate will be held on April 11, also at 6 p.m. in the SURC Pit. Voting will open at 5 p.m. on April 18 and will run until 5 p.m. on April 22.