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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Anne Cubilie

Honors College director brings travel experience to campus

Tera Stenhouse, Staff Reporter
March 4, 2015

Anne Cubilie’s life travels have taken her across the globe, from the Middle East to the political field in Washington, D.C. Now the director of the Douglas Honors College (DHC), Cubilie joined the...

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Career Fair starts at 12-3 p.m. tomorrow in SURC ballroom

Career Fair starts at 12-3 p.m. tomorrow in SURC ballroom

Kyle Fenton, Staff Reporter
March 4, 2015

        Career services has been holding workshops geared towards students in the education program to prepare them to meet with employment recruiters at the 2015 Central...

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Welcome Center Temporarily Moves to Munsen Hall

Welcome Center Temporarily Moves to Munsen Hall

Martha Cardenas, Staff Reporter
March 3, 2015

          The Welcome Center that was once located on University Way and Pearl Street has temporarily relocated to Munson Hall on University and Walnut Street. The...

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4.3 magnitude earthquake rocks Central Washington

4.3 magnitude earthquake rocks Central Washington

Simone Corbett, Staff Reporter
March 2, 2015

Around 1 a.m. on Feb. 17 an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.3 surprised residents across Central Washington. Fortunately, the earthquake didn’t cause any damage, and many students weren’t event awakened...

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Assault of Central staff member dismissed on basis of mental incompetency, student still allowed on campus

Assault of Central staff member dismissed on basis of mental incompetency, student still allowed on campus

Chace Davy and Jonathan Glover, News Editor and Assistant Scene Editor
February 26, 2015
The first strike hit Lareta “Joy” Chrismer near her temple, cutting her face and sending her to the ground. Onlookers in Nicholson Pavilion’s field house said Bryan Yancy then kicked her repeatedly in the head while she was down.
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Policies help lead to the statewide decline of assault charges 

Policies help lead to the statewide decline of assault charges 

Simone Corbett, Staff Reporter
February 25, 2015

Since July 1, 2014, three cases of sexual harassment in the workplace have been reported at Central. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington’s total sexual harassment charges...

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New clock-in system gets mixed reviews from faculty, staff 

New clock-in system gets mixed reviews from faculty, staff 

Bradly Smith, Staff Reporter
February 25, 2015

Earlier this month Central implemented a new clock-in system for faculty and staff. All the departments made the switch from the older, more traditional way of clocking in, to a new web-based system. Employees...

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Civil engineer says bridge on D Street is projected to be finished April 1, road May 1

Civil engineer says bridge on D Street is projected to be finished April 1, road May 1

Aaron Kunkler, Staff Reporter
February 25, 2015

Construction began Feb. 9 on the bridge spanning the canal on North D Street. According to Josh Mattson, civil engineer with the city of Ellensburg, the bridge is projected to be finished by April 1,...

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Electronic textbooks fail to sell well at Central

Electronic textbooks fail to sell well at Central

Kyle Fenton, Staff Reporter
February 25, 2015

Electronic textbooks are yet to be a big hit for Central’s Wildcat Shop for students purchasing them compared to regular textbooks. Any given quarter, the Wildcat Shop offers anywhere from 1,100 to...

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Central's college of education is top 10 largest in country

Central’s college of education is top 10 largest in country

Tera Stenhouse, Staff Reporter
February 18, 2015

Central’s college of education is one of the top 10 largest education programs in the nation, and Central has been preparing future teachers for 125 years. Education students go through hands-on learning...

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Students find themselves working 40-hour weeks

Students find themselves working 40-hour weeks

Felicia Kopperdahl, Staff Reporter
February 18, 2015

Many Central students have turned to employment to alleviate college expenses. Some students are taking multiple classes along with a “work now, play later” kind of attitude. Robbie Rutherford,...

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Hash oil: the future of extraction

Hash oil: the future of extraction

Kyle Fenton, Staff Reporter
February 18, 2015

Over the past decade, dabbing has flourished in marijuana culture, from the underground scene to mainstream. The word “dab” can function as both a noun and a verb. A “dab” in today’s language...

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