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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Low snow pack leads to early drought declaration

Kyle Kuhn, Staff Writer
April 10, 2015

The state of Washington enacted a drought declaration due to the low snow pack in the mountains this past winter. The snow pack is supposed to provide Washington's citizens with water throughout the dry...

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Information Services revamping Wifi networks on campus

Information Services revamping Wifi networks on campus

Colt Sweetland, Online Editor
April 9, 2015

Colt Sweetland/Observer he Information Services (IS) department has listened to students’ feedback; it will soon be killing off the funky names of Wifi networks that students were never able to pronounce...

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Central approves two new minors

Aaron Kunkler, News Editor
April 8, 2015

Central could see a new minor emerge after the April 8 faculty senate meeting. A contentious library media minor was approved by a vote after deliberation between representatives of  the advanced studies...

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City council denies extra RPZ; will further discuss pollution accountability act

City council denies extra RPZ; will further discuss pollution accountability act

Colt Sweetland, Online Editor
April 6, 2015

City council members voted down a request from Ellensburg residents to create a third residential parking zone (RPZ) near N Alder and 14 Ave. The council also decided to hold off on the exemption  for...

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Power demands lead to substation south of The Grove

Power demands lead to substation south of The Grove

Bradly Smith, Staff Reporter
March 12, 2015

The city of Ellensburg is going to build an electrical substation, the “Helena Substation,” on Airport Road in the open pasture south of The Grove. This will provide electricity for thousands of...

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MyCWU going through another change

Martha Cardenas, Staff Reporter
March 12, 2015

MyCWU portal is about to become easier for students to navigate. A new student tab is going to appear, starting in late March, which will help with enrolling in classes, checking financial aid and more. “I...

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Consequences of student conduct at Central

Felicia Kopperdahl, Staff Reporter
March 12, 2015

A phrase that many heard growing up is “rules are meant to be broken.” However, the student codes of conduct are university rules that can determine the future of a student. The student code of...

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New dean, Stacey Robertson, brings fresh perspective to College of Arts and Humanities

New dean, Stacey Robertson, brings fresh perspective to College of Arts and Humanities

Aaron Kunkler, Staff Reporter
March 12, 2015

Stacey Robertson assumed the role of dean of the College of Arts and Humanities on Feb. 1, 2015. Kirk Johnson, dean of the College of the Sciences, had been filling in as interim dean. Robertson...

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Port of Seattle slowdown affects Anderson Hay locally

Port of Seattle slowdown affects Anderson Hay locally

Simone Corbett, Staff Reporter
March 12, 2015

For months, the Port of Seattle slowdown has left a major impact on hay and agricultural disputers throughout the west coast. Negotiations between the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) and the...

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Inslee's current budget draft neglects reinvestment in higher education

Inslee’s current budget draft neglects reinvestment in higher education

Aaron Kunkler, Staff Reporter
March 4, 2015

Aaron Kunkler The word of the day around campus on Wednesday was 'budget'. Governor Jay Inslee (D) met with students in the old Samuelson building for an hour beginning at 3:30 to field questions. Bill...

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Central offers students free tax filing help

Central offers students free tax filing help

Felicia Kopperdahl, Staff Reporter
March 4, 2015

It’s tax season once again and Central is offering a free tax preparation program for students. The tax help is located at Shaw Smeyser Building-RM 217 on February 5 through April 12; students...

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Responsibility Centered Management gives profit to some, loss to others

Responsibility Centered Management gives profit to some, loss to others

Aaron Kunkler, Staff Reporter
March 4, 2015

While the College of Business has been hit particularly hard by the Responsibility Centered Management (RCM) model, other departments across campus are also feeling its effects. Departments such as biology,...

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