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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Central responds to comfort woman-deniers on campus

Central responds to comfort woman-deniers on campus

Aaron Kunkler, News Editor
April 29, 2015
On Tuesday night, Central's SURC building was center stage for an ongoing political battle about sex slavery, and the legacy of Japanese Imperialism during the first half of the 20th century.
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Students to get additional food options in SURC; food truck may be coming

Students to get additional food options in SURC; food truck may be coming

Tera Stenhouse, Staff Reporter
April 28, 2015
Tired of the same meal options at the SURC? You may be pleased to know that dining is planning to add additional meal options, venues and possibly a food truck next year.
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Central scheduled to become flashpoint for international controversy

Central scheduled to become flashpoint for international controversy

Tera Stenhouse and Aaron Kunkler
April 24, 2015
One film is causing quite the stir at Central; “Scottsboro Girls,” a film about the Japanese comfort women is scheduled to be viewed on April 28 and 29 at Central.
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Controversial student-led arts fee put to vote this spring

Elliott Llera, Staff Reporter
April 23, 2015
The implementation of a new $50 per quarter student fee is up for vote this spring.
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Central’s Veterans Center helps veterans transition to civilian life

Kyle Kuhn, Staff Reporter
April 23, 2015
The Central Veterans Center helps veterans of the armed forces make the transition back to civilian life, by easing the process and making sure that they get the most out of their G.I. Bill benefits.
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RCM generates new minors

RCM generates new minors

Matt Escamilla, Staff Reporter
April 22, 2015
The Responsibility Centered Management budget model rewards departments for generating new minors which attract new students into their departments.
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Long-awaited waterpark finally gets the go-ahead

Long-awaited waterpark finally gets the go-ahead

Elliott Llera, Staff Reporter
April 16, 2015
Surf City Waterpark is set to finally open in the summer 2016.
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ABC News host John Quiñones to share life story in SURC

ABC News host John Quiñones to share life story in SURC

Shaima Shamdeen, Contributing Writer
April 16, 2015
The year was 1966 when a 13-year-old John Quiñones, working as a migrant farmworker alongside his family, was in the fields of Ohio picking tomatoes for 35-cents a bushel.
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Wellington statue to be installed June 3

Clarissa Posner, Staff Reporter
April 16, 2015
The Wellington Wildcat statue should be installed at Central on June 3. The bronze-coated statue will be located on the SURC east patio, the building’s busiest entrance.
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Assault on campus above Student Village stirs students

Aaron Kunkler, News Editor
April 16, 2015
Students woke up to an automated alarm around 4 a.m. Monday morning from Central’s warning system concerning an assault that occurred on campus.
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Aviation department continues search for new chair

Aviation department continues search for new chair

Simone Corbett, Assistant News Editor
April 16, 2015
The aviation department, which struggled last year from issues with its new flight training contractor, is looking for a new outside chair.
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Wildcat Day welcomes new students

Wildcat Day welcomes new students

Tera Stenhouse, Staff Writer
April 15, 2015
At 8 am on Saturday, April 11, approximately a 1,000 admitted and potential Wildcats walked on to Centrals campus with their guests to experience the events of Wildcat Day.
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