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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Outfielder Tristin Parton catches pop fly and attempts to throw runner out at second base against Montana State University of Billings.

Baseball prepares for GNAC tournament

Rachel Greve, Staff Reporter
May 9, 2018

The CWU baseball team clinched its berth to the 2018 GNAC Championship Tournament starting Wednesday May 9 at home in Ellensburg. Normally held in Portland, Oregon, it was decided to bring the tournament...

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Theresa Moyle, after hittin the ball, runs to first base in a game against Western Oregon University.

Softball gears up for GNAC tournament

Rachel Greve, Staff Reporter
May 2, 2018

The CWU Women’s softball team is headed to the GNAC tournament this weekend sitting in the second seed position. The Wildcats will head to Concordia University in Portland, Oregon this weekend where...

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Reach new heights at Vantage

Reach new heights at Vantage

Micah Chen, Staff Reporter
May 2, 2018

The annual CWU rock climbing trip by OPR is happening this spring quarter. The climbing will take place at Vantage. According to the, Vantage Rock boasts over 700 unique routes.

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Athletes set sights on GNAC Championships

Austin Lane, Staff Reporter
May 2, 2018

According to head coach Kevin Adkisson, individuals are what makes up the track team, but the combination of all the individuals into one team effort is what makes the Outdoor Championships a big part...

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Floating the Yakima River in Ellensburg

Floating the Yakima River in Ellensburg

Gunnar Hinds, Staff Reporter
April 25, 2018

For people who are looking for a relaxing day in the outdoors, rafting on the river can be a great way to unwind. As the weather starts improving, Outdoor Pursuits and Rentals (OPR) is preparing for...

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Tennis tournament opens up at CWU

Micah Chen, Staff Reporter
April 25, 2018

The CWU Recreation Center is putting together a tennis tournament on Saturday April 28 from noon to 6 p.m. This is the only time of the year that CWU Recreation puts together an organized tennis competition....

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Griffin and Fowler finish up final season

Rachel Greve, Staff Reporter
April 25, 2018

When Celine Fowler and Taelor Griffin signed their National Letter of Intents in 2014, they had no idea that just two years later they would also find their best friend. Fowler, a senior outfielder...

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Tyson Rainwater and Daniel Johnson butt heads during wide receiver drills during spring practice on April 24.

CWU prepares to tackle spring football

Austin Lane, Staff Reporter
April 25, 2018

As the month comes to an end, all that’s left for CWU Football is two practices and their spring game. Special teams and defensive backs coach Benny Boyd, who’s currently interim defensive coordinator,...

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Men’s basketball selects alum as head coach

Natalie Hyland, Co-Editor
April 25, 2018

CWU officially hired Brandon Rinta as the men’s head basketball coach. Prior to being hired at CWU, Rinta spent seven seasons as the head coach at Lewis-Clark State College (LCSC). There, he accumulated...

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OPR puts on new Umptanum Ridge hike

OPR puts on new Umptanum Ridge hike

Micah Chen, Staff Reporter
April 20, 2018

The Umptanum Ridge used to be an off-limit area for Outdoor Pursuits and Rentals (OPR) to hike, due to governing land laws. This is not the case anymore. “We recently got a new permit from the Governing...

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Storey records No. 600 for CWU

Austin Lane, Staff Reporter
April 20, 2018

CWU Baseball head coach Desi Storey is now at 603 career wins, a career milestone. He got his 600th career win during the Wildcats’ home series against Montana State University Billings (MSUB). For...

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Outdoor activities at People’s Pond

Outdoor activities at People’s Pond

Gunnar Hinds, Staff Reporter
April 20, 2018

Carey Lake, also known as People’s Pond, is a popular hangout spot for Ellensburg locals. When the weather warms up, longboarding, inner tubing, barbecuing and beach volleyball are just a few of the...

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