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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo

Jacob Hollingsworth, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2016

Central dance ensemble is performing the familiar story of “Cinderella.” But don’t think about the classic Disney Cinderella because this one is based off of the story written back in the 1600’s. Tyler...

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Ask Dr. H: Week 1

Dr. Jill Hoxmeir, Public Health Professor
April 7, 2016

Dr. Jill Hoxmeir is a public health professor at CWU. Every week, she'll answer sexual health questions submitted by readers. You can reach her anonymously at [email protected] Dear Dr. H, I’ve...

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Jamie Gutierrez decided to pursue a career as a barber when he first started cutting his friends hair in 8th grade.

Barber in the Burg

Nic Cooper, Staff Reporter
April 7, 2016

On a typical windy Ellensburg day, Jaime Gutierrez wakes up early, eats some breakfast, washes it down with a cup of Joe or Red Bull, and reads the newspaper. By 8 a.m., it’s time for the owner of...

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Ellensburg's newest pizza place took over the building that used be occupied by Kentucky Fried Chicken.

A slice of life at Westside Pizza

Mikaila Wilkerson, Staff Reporter
April 7, 2016

Westside Pizza, which opened on March 1, offers new promotions and deals each week to bring more people into their thriving business and to try out what they have to offer. Christine Brevik, the...

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Virtual reality could bring about a whole new experience to video game players.

Every game could be a horror game with the Oculus Rift

Maria Harr, Contributing Writer
April 7, 2016

“Immersive.” It’s the industry buzzword for virtual reality (VR). The nerd world has debated the viability of VR to death since the first Oculus Rift pre-orders shipped on March 28. Questions...

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Dance the night away in the library

Dance the night away in the library

Victoria Shamrell, Scene Editor
April 7, 2016

Usually eating and dancing to loud music in the library are not allowed, but all those rules go out the door for one night only. The Brook Library is hosting its third annual gala and silent auction...

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Celebrating 10 years of the SURC

Celebrating 10 years of the SURC

Victoria Shamrell, Scene Editor
April 7, 2016

It’s the heart of campus and thousands of students walk through it every day. Students and visitors alike eat, shop, workout and study in this building all the time. The SURC is the central piece...

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Library finalist for national award

Library finalist for national award

Ana Laura Lopes Conti Ferreria, Staff Reporter
March 10, 2016

The Institute of Museum and Library Services Medal of Honor is one of the most important awards for libraries and museums in the country. For 22 years, the award has been given to institutions that...

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Prepare to be splattered--with paint

Prepare to be splattered–with paint

Holly Chester, Staff Reporter
March 10, 2016

This upcoming week is bound to be full of stress with finals fast approaching. Campus Activities is giving students a chance to take a break from studying by hosting GlowRage’s Paint University,...

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Seth Hollen will play Mr. Banks in the spring musical Mary Poppins

Rising theatre star: Seth Hollen

Britany Decker, Staff Reporter
March 10, 2016

Seth Hollen, a 23-year-old musical theatre major that works as a scene carpenter at Central, is starring in this year's musical production of Mary Poppins as Mr. Banks. From the first time Hollen...

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Relax from finals with dogs

Relax from finals with dogs

Kaitlyn Langdale, Staff Reporter
March 10, 2016

Stressed about finals now that the quarter is ending? You are not alone, and the Brooks Library is here to help. This quarter the Brooks Library will be hosting their third Paws and Relax event in Brooks...

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Fun times during spring break

Ana Laura Lopes Conti Ferreira, Staff Reporter
March 3, 2016

Spring break is on the way and students are preparing to enjoy the break as much as they can. Students brought up 10 ideas of what to do during spring break   Travel cross-country Some...

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