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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Review: Dark Souls 3

Review: Dark Souls 3

Jonathan Glover, Editor-in-Chief
April 28, 2016

There’s a moment early in “Dark Souls 3”—after you’ve killed the first real boss (Soulsborne fans will know what I mean by this)—when you have to walk up to a cliff edge in order to be transported...

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‘We Observed You’: an apology for our ignorance

Jonathan Glover, Editor-in-Chief
April 21, 2016

Last week, the Observer ran a column titled “We Observed You,” which received a large amount of negative feedback. The original intent of the column was to “observe” random, funny or interesting...

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Have a beer and a meal at Iron Horse

Have a beer and a meal at Iron Horse

Mikaila Wilkerson, Senior Reporter
April 21, 2016

Iron Horse Brewery, which was established in 2004, recently created a menu that not only featured the brewery’s beers but also various sorts of food that are now available. One bartender and server...

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Central is ready to Rock against Rape

Central is ready to Rock against Rape

Sarah Hoot, Staff Reporter
April 21, 2016

Sexual assault is an uncomfortable subject, but Central’s Wellness Center is working to bring this topic into the light with their annual Rock Against Rape next Wednesday April 27. The event has grown...

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Live-action "Ghost in the Shell" film falls victim to Hollywood

Live-action “Ghost in the Shell” film falls victim to Hollywood

Maria Harr, Contributing Writer
April 21, 2016

The Internet is questioning Hollywood’s ability to learn from their mistakes after the release of a production image from the 2017 live-action “Ghost in the Shell” film, in which Scarlett Johansson...

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Ask Dr. H: Week 3

Dr. Jill Hoxmeir, Public Health Professor
April 21, 2016

Dear Dr. H, I have experienced severe emotional “swings” while being on Depo [Provera]. Would a non-hormonal birth control option be a better choice? Is weight gain a myth when it comes to birth...

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Late night at Sak's Diner

Late night at Sak’s Diner

Kailan Manandic, Senior Reporter
April 21, 2016

It was a dead night at Sak’s Truckstop Diner until a fight broke out over a pair of boxers. Sak’s is one of Ellensburg’s 24-hour diners in the middle of the Flying J Travel Plaza just off of I-90...

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Students learn all about fashion

Students learn all about fashion

Mikaila Wilkerson, Senior Reporter
April 21, 2016

The Student Fashion Association, which gives students insight into what the fashion industry is all about, is open to all students who are passionate or interested in the the study of fashion. Kylie...

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Ask Dr. H: Week 2

Dr. Jill Hoxmeir, Public Health Professor
April 14, 2016

 Dr. Jill Hoxmeir is a public health professor at CWU. Every week, she’ll answer sexual health questions submitted by readers. You can reach her anonymously at [email protected] Dear Dr. H, I’m...

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Doing your part to help save the earth

Doing your part to help save the earth

Sarah Hoot, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2016

Students in Ellensburg can't exactly stop deforestation or bring pollution to zero. But, there are plenty of ways to help Mother Earth like Captain Planet, this Earth Week. The Center for Leadership...

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YouTube: a professional YouTuber's worst enemy

YouTube: a professional YouTuber’s worst enemy

Maria Harr, Contributing Writer
April 14, 2016

YouTube is playing a dangerous game with some of its most prolific content creators. No, I don’t mean YouTube Red, Google’s attempt to further capitalize on the success of YouTube content by offering...

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The stars above us

The stars above us

Nic Cooper, Staff Reporter
April 14, 2016

Space. Stars. The sun. Planets and galaxies -- there is so much to know about the universe we live in. The CWU Astronomy Club was established back in the fall of 1997 as a student group all about sharing...

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