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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Dr. Ross Salvosa playing piano. Photo by Mykah Koke-Filimaua

Unraveling the deeper message of The Firebird: Dr. Salvosa’s interpretation through music

Mykah Koke-Filimaua, Staff Reporter
April 12, 2023

Dr. Ross Salvosa, a lecturer of piano/piano pedagogy at CWU, uses the transcription of the firebird, the chosen mascot from Russian folklore that symbolizes rebirth, beauty, and magic, to inspire people...

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Actor holding a prop sword. Photo courtesy of Sequoia Good

Circe and Nyx: student-produced play highlights themes of mental health

Quincy Taylor, Staff Reporter
April 12, 2023

Forming a play that’s produced by students can be quite the challenge, yet students who envision themselves as producers and directors rose to the occasion and displayed their talents across campus,...

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Root sculpture. Photo by MJ Rivera

Bringing art and communication together with “Roote Wordes”

MJ Rivera, Scene Editor
April 12, 2023

Seattle-based artist and sculpter Rob Rhee sat down with CWU’s writing curriculum coordinator and lecturer Matt Martinson at the front of a packed room in Randall Hall on April 6 to discuss his exhibit...

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No usa gasolina, no tiene frenos, totalmente actualizado: la impresión que causó el vehículo Tesla de la policía del campus universitario

No usa gasolina, no tiene frenos, totalmente actualizado: la impresión que causó el vehículo Tesla de la policía del campus universitario

Yohanes Goodell and Katherine Camarata
April 11, 2023

Para reducir los costos de gasolina y el efecto invernadero por emisión de gases, el equipo de policía del campus de CWU adquirió en 2020 un vehículo Tesla modelo Y para grandes distancias y tracción...

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Students serve up their Ramadan dinner.

Ramadan dinner photo spread

MJ Rivera and Yohanes Goodell
April 5, 2023

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No gas, no brakes, all updates: the effects of the campus police Tesla vehicle

No gas, no brakes, all updates: the effects of the campus police Tesla vehicle

The CWU campus police force attempted to cut down on fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions by purchasing a long-range all-wheel-drive Tesla Model Y in 2021, and CWU Police Chief Jason Berthon-Koch provided...

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Keith Karns playing trumpet. Photo courtesy of Keri Kunz, CWU Hype

Continuing a legacy at CWU: Keith Karns, the new director of jazz

MJ Rivera, Scene Editor
April 5, 2023

From a lifestyle of traveling and playing jazz all hours of the day and night, to igniting a passion for jazz in CWU students full-time, Keith Karns is finishing out his first year as the new director...

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El evento Fresh Check Day nos recuerda que la salud mental es importante

El evento Fresh Check Day nos recuerda que la salud mental es importante

MJ Rivera and Zileni Milupi
March 9, 2023

Con abundancia de pizza gratuita y juegos recreativos, el evento anual Fresh Check Day en CWU sirvió para recordarnos sobre la importancia que tiene la salud mental, así como sobre los recursos disponibles...

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Students gather for the Women's Herstory Month kick-off in the DEC.

Women’s Herstory Month: vision boards set the tone for women’s futures

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter
March 8, 2023

The soundtrack from “Bridgerton” softly played in the background of the Diversity and Equity Center (DEC) as feminine-identifying folk snacked on cupcakes and chatted amongst themselves.  The “Envisioning...

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NAMI board member and Ellensburg Poet Laureate Marie Marchand and NEAR founder Nan Doolittle. Photo courtesy of Marie Marchand

National Alliance on Mental Illness local chapter forms to raise awareness in Kittitas County

Katherine Camarata, Lead Editor
March 8, 2023

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a nationwide organization that seeks to destigmatize discussion surrounding mental health and provide resources for people with disorders and their families....

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Nan Doolittle wrote her sonnet about Ethel Craven-Sweet's mother.

Women’s History Month Poetry Extravaganza features WA state poet laureate

Jordyn Rossmeisl, Staff Reporter
March 8, 2023

The chilly evening air spilled into the packed gallery, mixing with the palpable excitement of people chatting over the lively piano while weaving through the crowd to grab a glass of wine or admire some...

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Students at the find your voice conference.

CWU alumni return to inspire at Women in Business conference

Zileni Milupi, Staff Reporter
March 8, 2023

Words of motivation and tips for success filled the Wellington Event Center during the third annual Find Your Voice conference on March 3, hosted by CWU’s Women in Business Club to kick off Women’s...

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