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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

These pillows are made for dressing

May 2, 2013

By CHLOE RAMBERG, staff reporter To many people, a pillowcase is simply something that sits on their bed. But to a little girl, it can mean a brand new dress. The Central Washington University...

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The etiquette of education

May 2, 2013

By ALYSSA FOLAND, staff reporter As students wait for class to start, the sound of chatter, pen tapping, phone ringing and keyboard clicking bounce off the corners of the classroom. According...

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First Amendment Festival and College Civics Week turn the SURC into a ‘big top’ of student freedoms

May 2, 2013

By ADAM WILSON, staff reporter Instead of hosting College Civics Week and the First Amendment Festival separately, the Central Washington University Board of Directors Office of Legislative Affairs...

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Music students shine in senior recitals

April 27, 2013

By CONNIE MORGAN, staff reporter Wednesday night, Shanauan Green started the spring season with a percussion recital in order to achieve these graduation standards. Students in Central Washington...

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Central sword players show off newly donated weapons

April 25, 2013

By MARGAUX MASSEY, staff reporter The clang of metal on metal awaits those who choose to attend “A Stage Combat Showcase: A Night at the Fights” this weekend. The production, according to...

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OPR’s Spring Symposium offered something for everyone last week on the east patio

April 25, 2013

By MADISON MCCLAUSLAND, copy editor Last Thursday on the SURC patio, Outdoor Pursuits and Rentals hosted the annual Spring Symposium, which included live music, mini clinics, vendor booths and grub. One...

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Students take interning to a whole new level at 420 Loft

April 25, 2013

By CHLOE RAMBERG, staff reporter Two of Central Washington University’s brightest stars are making their mark in the downtown Ellensburg art scene. Ross Quesnell, senior visual art education...

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Long Distance Lovin’

April 25, 2013

By ALYSSA FOLAND, staff reporter Chadwick Makela and his girlfriend met at FreakNight in Seattle two years ago. Since they go to different schools, they only see each other in person every few months....

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Rock against rape offers more than just music

April 25, 2013

By ADAM WILSON, staff reporter One of the Wellness Center’s biggest goals is to spread awareness on the importance of preventing sexual assaults. They aim to do this through a rock concert. Rock...

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Tuesday Slideshow

Tuesday Slideshow

April 23, 2013

Photos by Observer photo staff  

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First-time comedy show brings comedy and music entertainment to the valley this weekend

April 18, 2013

By MARGAUX MASSEY, staff reporter When someone is asked how they got involved with their current line of work, one answer that is never expected is: “It started with a dare.” “I was like,...

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To ease the stress of school, students turn to Adderall, a dangerous prescription pill

April 18, 2013

By CHLOE RAMBERG, staff reporter Katie’s mind was completely blank as she stared at the mountain of homework piled on her desk. She was exhausted from pulling all nighters and didn’t think she had...

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