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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Opinion: The pain of a Mariners fan

Opinion: The pain of a Mariners fan

Mitchell Roland, Columnist
February 24, 2021

While it’s a tradition for the Seattle Mariners to disappoint their fanbase, they managed to do so in record time this year and before their season even started. Over the weekend, a 46-minute video...

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The problem with “second chances” in American pro sports

David Snyder, Columnist
February 23, 2021

There's a systemic issue with sports in this country that starts at the top in professional sports leagues and trickles down to the amateur ranks.  We prioritize competitiveness over decency. Nothing...

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Mental health’s love/hate relationship with social media

Mental health’s love/hate relationship with social media

Dakaline White, Columnist
February 23, 2021

Social media can have a good effect on our mental health if we use it in a different way than it is set up to be used.  According to an article published by Our World in Data, Social media became very...

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Weight gain to weight loss caused by COVID-19

Justin Zabel, Columnist
February 23, 2021

COVID-19 has caused many issues all across the globe. Many people have been given ample time to be in their own house to build connections with their family. However, one challenge that many people have...

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I refuse to buy another parking pass

I refuse to buy another parking pass

Jake Tilley, Columnist
February 23, 2021

Campus parking should be free to students who attend CWU full-time or part-time. Currently students either walk, bike, find street parking, or pay the fees for a parking pass. The fees range from $116...

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How my love for “Star Wars” was killed and then revived

How my love for “Star Wars” was killed and then revived

Levi Shields, Columnist
February 23, 2021

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with “Star Wars.” I have fond memories of pulling out the VHS box set for the original and prequel trilogies, standing on my parent’s bed, holding my invisible lightsaber,...

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CWU lazy, premature with online graduation

Derek Harper, Columnist
February 16, 2021

The decision by Central Washington University to put graduation fully online again this year was premature, taking the easy way out and simply lazy. The school called it way too early. It’s an excuse...

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I don’t care about your social media posts, get involved if you care

I don’t care about your social media posts, get involved if you care

Rey Green, Columnist
February 16, 2021

If you are truly for us, you’ll stand with us, you’ll help us and you’ll be a part of the change. If black lives matter to you you’ll do more than just post about it on social media. Posting a...

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Broadway stays closed but football has curtains up

Broadway stays closed but football has curtains up

Madalyn Banouvong, Columnist
February 16, 2021

On Feb. 7 Super Bowl 55 was kicked off between the Buccaneers and the Chiefs. During a pandemic it is hard to imagine being anywhere surrounded by 25,000 people. For football, fans gathered with masks...

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Korean Dramas: the next level for rom-com lovers

Korean Dramas: the next level for rom-com lovers

Milenne Quinonez, Columnist
February 16, 2021

Look, I won't argue, and I agree that romantic comedies in the 1980s were truly a masterpiece. I mean who doesn’t like “Sixteen Candles” starring the classic Molly Ringwald? I think we can almost...

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Value your true identity, defy all other norms

Value your true identity, defy all other norms

Justin Zabel, Columnist
February 9, 2021

Imagine growing up with family members that were against any form of marriage except between a man and a woman, many times hearing comments and sexual slurs towards anyone who was different then what they...

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Everyone needs to experience urban living at least once

Everyone needs to experience urban living at least once

Addie Adkins, Columnist
February 9, 2021

I was born and mostly raised in rural central Washington, but I had the pleasure of spending three of my most formative years living in Seattle. I was in second grade when my mom moved us to Seattle,...

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