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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Central students who are under the age of 21 may not be able to buy cigarettes if the legislation passes to raise the age to the same as alcohol.

Smoking age may be raised to 21

Julia Moreno, News Editor
February 4, 2016

Washington lawmakers are looking to raise the legal age to buy tobacco products from 18 to 21. Last year, a bill to raise the smoking age requirement did not pass despite the highly publicized support...

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Orlando Ayala, Microsoft chairman spoke to Central students about technology trends that could have an impact on sports and world connection. Central and Microsoft are pairing up.

State of the University address

Ray Payne, Staff Reporter
February 3, 2016

Microsoft’s chairman and corporate vice president of emerging businesses, Orlando Ayala, joined Central President James Gaudino in his State of the University address last Monday. This was the first...

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The Ellensburg Police Department could soon be wearing body cams like these.

Ellensburg Police Department considering body cameras for its officers

Ray Payne, Staff Reporter
January 28, 2016

The Ellensburg Police Department (EPD) is looking to implement the use of body cameras, depending on whether the privacy issues associated with body camera use are addressed by the state. According...

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Veteran memorial concept coming soon

Veteran memorial concept coming soon

Rebecca Wolf, Staff Reporter
January 28, 2016

A memorial is on its way to Central in honor of America’s veterans. Central students have been pushing administration to begin work a memorial for veterans and progress is being made. “I think...

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Gaudino and Microsoft executive to give state of the university address at McConnell Hall

The Observer Staff
January 28, 2016

On Feb. 1, Central President James Gaudino will be joined by Microsoft’s chairman and corporate vice president of emerging businesses, Orlando Ayala, for Gaudino’s annual State of the University address. According...

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Students from Central's Black Student Union held the event to help students of color network with professors and faculty.

BSU, faculty meet and greet helps students network

Sabrina Stoutameyer, Staff Reporter
January 28, 2016

The Black Student Union (BSU) held a reception last Tuesday, specifically inviting professors and faculty members to show what BSU as a club is doing and capable of accomplishing.   “With this reception...

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Anti-government group stopped in Oregon following shoot out

Anti-government group stopped in Oregon following shoot out

The Observer Staff
January 28, 2016

The FBI and Oregon State Police arrested Militant leader Ammon Bundy and four of his followers during a traffic stop in Oregon on Tuesday. The arrests resulted in a shootout injuring Ryan Bundy and...

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What happened with the Flint water crisis?

What happened with the Flint water crisis?

The Observer Staff
January 28, 2016

The Flint Michigan water crisis has garnered attention by President Obama. On Thursday he announced the administration is giving $80 million to the city of Flint, Michigan according to Black Enterprise....

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Parking services feels your pain; changes coming to Central

Parking services feels your pain; changes coming to Central

Lexi Popich, Staff Reporter
January 28, 2016

For years Central students have griped about the lack of parking spots and expensive parking passes. Though there is some argument whether the problem is an actual lack of parking or just laziness...

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Central dining is evolving

Central dining is evolving

McKenzie Lakey, Staff Reporter
January 28, 2016
Change is constantly occurring for Central’s Dining Services, and the latest increase in numbers for Holmes Dining have shown that students approve....
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'Whiteness Awareness Month' at PCC

‘Whiteness Awareness Month’ at PCC

Elliott Llera, Managing Editor
January 23, 2016

When historian Carter G. Woodson deemed the second week of February “Negro History Week” in 1926, he emphasized its importance by saying, “If a race has no history, if it has no worthwhile tradition,...

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Central key in creation of earthquake early warning app

Central key in creation of earthquake early warning app

Mckenzie Lakey, Staff Reporter
January 23, 2016

In the Pacific Northwest earthquakes aren't uncommon. In fact, if you were on Central’s campus in March last year, you likely felt the 4.2 magnitude earthquake that rumbled through Ellensburg. This...

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