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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Raymond Santana speaking at the event. Photo courtesy of Layla Taha.

Raymond Santana: A Voice for the Voiceless

Layla Taha, Staff Reporter
February 7, 2024

As a first-hand victim of the brutalities of the state, Raymond Santana is now the voice for the voiceless. On April 19, 1989, a night in Central Park for then 14-year-old Santana would forever alter the...

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ASCWU finalizes letter standing in solidarity with Palestine

Isaac Hinson, Editor-in-Chief
February 7, 2024

The Associated Students of CWU (ASCWU) student government organization finalized a letter standing in solidarity with Palestine amidst the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Gaza and elsewhere. The conflict,...

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What is an Honors Student?

Astor Powell-Pedersen , Staff Reporter
February 2, 2024

CWU has been home to the William O. Douglas Honors College (DHC) since 1977. According to its page on the CWU website, the Douglas Honors College “supports and encourages all students to find individual...

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SLICE employees at their Yakima River Cleanup Event in 2022. Courtesy SLICE/Instagram

The facts: How six SLICE employees were fired and rehired within two weeks

Isaac Dobmeier, Scene Editor
January 26, 2024

Hours after returning to the office on Jan. 2, six SLICE (Student Leadership, Involvement & Community Engagement) employees were sat down in front of an audience of their peers and unabashedly told...

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The Israel – Palestine War: Perspectives on Campus

Layla Taha, Staff Reporter
January 26, 2024

Oct. 7 2023 marks the advent of another bout of intense conflict in the ongoing war between Palestine and Israel. Since then, our country has seen an eruption of protests and heated debate. One place that...

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The Working Wildcats: CWU’s student employees union, ‘made for students by students.’

The Working Wildcats: CWU’s student employees union, ‘made for students by students.’

Layla Taha and Isaac Dobmeier
January 20, 2024

The Working Wildcats have already made their mark on CWU as they continue to receive impressive support from students and faculty alike. Since its inception in Sept. 2023, the union has garnered hundreds...

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Unburied to be Returned: NAGPRA’s Revised Regulations

Winnie Killingsworth, News Editor
January 11, 2024

Buried in archives and storage rooms of museums, federal agencies and universities across the country, human remains and cultural objects have been separated from their actual resting place. But changes...

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Without accreditation the university would have to shut down

CWU has three areas of concern for reaccreditation

Megan Rogers, News Editor
November 23, 2023

During the accreditation kick-off meeting on Nov. 17, CWU President Jim Wolphart said there are three areas that they need to improve on before reaccreditation in 2026. According to Wolphart, those three...

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The North Academic Complex will be built where the flag plaza is Photo courtesy of

North Academic Complex will be built to be more sustainable

Megan Rogers, News Editor
November 17, 2023

The North Academic Complex, which is set to replace the Language and Literature building and Farrell Hall, will be built to be more sustainable by including geothermal heating and solar panels. The complex...

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Kurt Kirstein was appointed Interim Provost on Nov. 1 Photo courtesy of David Leder

Interim Provost Kurt Kirstein gives an update on the search for a new provost

Morgana Carroll, Lead Editor
November 17, 2023

CWU is currently searching for a new provost, according to Interim Provost Kurt Kirstein.  The position was listed as available on Nov. 1 and will remain open for the rest of the month. After that,...

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The demonstration began on the corner of Pearl St. and 4th Ave, eventually moving in front of the court house off of Main Street.

CWU alumni and students demonstrate in Ellensburg to show solidarity for the Palestinian people

Yohanes Goodell, Staff Reporter
November 16, 2023

  The words “Palestine will be free” echoed through the streets of downtown Ellensburg last Thursday, Nov. 9. Demonstrators, made up of a diverse body of CWU students and local townspeople,...

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Elvin Delgado goal is to help with student sucess photo courtesy of

Elvin Delgado appointed interim associate vice president of academic affairs

Megan Rogers, News Editor
November 8, 2023

Elvin Delgado, associate dean of faculty development, research and interdisciplinary initiative, was appointed interim associate vice president of academic affairs on Nov. 2. This was after Kurt Kirstein...

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