By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Search for Vice President of Equity and Belonging halts as tensions rise against administration

The months-long search for a Vice President of Equity and Belonging and Senior Diversity Officer has been deemed a failure by President Jim Wohlpart and is set to be re-launched in the fall, according...

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On The Campaign Trail: Eli Alvarado talks leadership and plans for CWU

Gunner Stuns, Staff Reporter
April 25, 2024

What are the traits of a strong leader? Every year elections are held to decide who the new ASCWU president will be. This person will play a role in giving students a voice when it comes to all legislative...

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Racial profiling incident triggers staff response

Layla Taha, Staff Reporter
April 25, 2024

CWU has been facing backlash as staff and students of color have been sharing their stories of incidents with police on campus. Most notably, esteemed English professor Dr. Bobby Cummings was recently...

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Campus Village catches fire in the night

Astor Powell-Pedersen, News Editor
April 25, 2024

It was nearly 2 a.m. on Sunday, April 14 when Audry Baratto, a fourth-year film major, was getting ready for bed. “It was a normal night, all the lights were off, my cat was lying next to me and...

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CWU Students at Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU).(Photo courtesy of Rodrigo Renteria-Valencia)

Becoming a Hispanic Serving Institution

Astor Powell-Pedersen, News Editor
April 18, 2024

The federal government defines Hispanic Serving Institutions, or HSIs, as accredited institutions of higher education where 25% or more of the undergraduate population are Hispanic, with at least 50% of...

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Mobilizers with signs outside of the SURC - Junpier Deigel, Landis Hanson, Jessica Berkey, and Jaden Thacker

Chalking it up to controversy: CWU employee fired prior to Diversity Awards, land acknowledgment condemned

Layla Taha, Staff Reporter
April 10, 2024

As many in the CWU community were gearing up to celebrate the school’s 10th annual Diversity Awards on March 7, others in the community were mobilizing against the seemingly unproblematic ceremony. This...

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Hours on campus

Winnie Killingsworth, Online Editor
April 4, 2024

You live on campus as a college student, even if you don’t reside in student housing. Classes keep us there. Resources keep us here. The hours that these resources are available in person is something...

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The Primary Elections at CWU

Astor Powell-Pedersen, News Editor
April 4, 2024

For many CWU students and college students across the board the 2024 presidential primary election was their first voting experience. According to CNN, primaries are “election[s] to select candidates,...

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Why you should vote “uncommitted” in the upcoming primaries

Layla Taha, Columnist
March 7, 2024

Just like you, I am unexcited about our choices for the presidential primaries. I know just as much as everyone else, that I do not want to see a repeat of the 2020 presidential election run-off between...

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Women Empowering Women at CWU

Astor Powell-Pedersen, Staff Reporter
March 7, 2024

This March will be the 37th annual Women’s History Month celebrated in the United States, according to Women’s History Month started as a week-long celebration of the contributions women...

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How Diverse is CWU?

Layla Taha, Staff Reporter
February 29, 2024

CWU is the "most diverse university in Washington," at least according to the banners displayed across campus. While the university claims levels of excellence in this department, how does CWU's diverse...

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Photo courtesy Yohannes Goodell

MEChA’s Week of Action

Astor Powell-Pedersen, Staff Reporter
February 29, 2024

MEChA, CWU’s Chicanx student organization, has undoubtedly been one of the biggest supporters of the Palestinian people here on campus. In the past, they have held demonstrations and educational workshops,...

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