By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Gunner Stuns

Gunner Stuns, Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter - Spring 2024

All content by Gunner Stuns
Charles Johnson.
(Photo courtesy of Lola Gallagher)

Charles Johnson: From Senate to President

Gunner Stuns, Staff Reporter
May 13, 2024

The path to leadership can come in many forms, whether honed through multiple experiences or just out of a call to serve the community. For Charles Johnson, a junior in the business administration major...

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Malik Cantu.
(Photo courtesy of Lola Gallagher)

Malik Cantu Goes For Round Two

Gunner Stuns, Staff Reporter
May 9, 2024

For a year now, Malik Cantu has served as the ASCWU President here on the CWU campus. Now that elections are coming back around, Cantu chose to run for their position once again, but for what reasons?...

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‘Spider-Man 2’ Is (Still) The Best Comic Book Movie

Gunner Stuns, Columnist
April 30, 2024

It’s hard to remember a time when films that were based on comic books didn’t dominate the industry, especially with the commercial success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, none of that would...

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On The Campaign Trail: Eli Alvarado talks leadership and plans for CWU

Gunner Stuns, Staff Reporter
April 25, 2024

What are the traits of a strong leader? Every year elections are held to decide who the new ASCWU president will be. This person will play a role in giving students a voice when it comes to all legislative...

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Callum Angus

A Writer’s Perspective: Callum Angus Talks Nature And His Trans Experience

Gunner Stuns, Staff Reporter
April 18, 2024

Why do creators create? It could be argued that someone’s creative endeavor speaks to who they are as a person, that it’s a way of sharing who they are with the world around them. What matters to them?...

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The Show’s all yours

Gunner Stuns, Staff Reporter
April 10, 2024

As you make your way up the aisle and to the stage, each footstep feels like your shoes are filled with lead. Heart thumping in your chest, you turn to face your adoring crowd, each of their faces alight...

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