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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Kittitas Valley Math Circle meetings canceled

Kittitas Valley Math Circle meetings canceled

Michelle Reyes, Staff Reporter
April 22, 2020

Kittitas Valley Math Circle (KVMC) canceled their face-to-face meetings at CWU for the remainder of spring quarter. On April 6 Gov. Jay Inslee requested a statewide closure of  private and public schools...

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Health Science building construction will continue

Health Science building construction will continue

Ty Mcphee, Staff Reporter
April 22, 2020

Construction for the new Health Sciences building will be continuing despite Gov. Jay Inslee’s statewide COVID-19 restrictions.  The CWU Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting on March 31 was held online...

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CWU implements pass or fail grade options

Abigail Duchow, Senior Reporter
April 22, 2020

Due to all classes being taught online, CWU has implemented a system to help students succeed in a learning environment they may not be familiar with. The system CWU will be using for spring 2020 is pass...

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Dining Services terminates majority of student employees

Dining Services terminates majority of student employees

Nicholas Tucker and Bailey Tomlinson
April 15, 2020

CWU Dining Services has terminated the majority of its student employees, according to Director of Dining Services Dean Masuccio. This was announced via an email employees received from Assistant Director...

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Brooks Library services remain available

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
April 15, 2020

Despite the physical location being closed, librarians at Brooks Library are still working to provide students and staff with resources to support them through spring quarter. “We may not be physically...

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Virtual health services offered during COVID-19

Virtual health services offered during COVID-19

Abigail Duchow, Senior Reporter
April 15, 2020

Many of the health services provided to students during the usual school year will still be provided virtually. These services include Student Counseling Services, Student Health Services, Wellness Center...

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COVID-19 changes impact education majors

Abigail Duchow, Senior Reporter
April 15, 2020

Due to COVID-19, CWU made the decision for all classes to be taught online, and K-12 education is now closed for the rest of the school year. These changes impact education majors, as a lot of them need...

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Muslim Student Association meeting virtually attacked

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
April 15, 2020

The Muslim Student Association’s beginning of the quarter Zoom meeting was hacked and harassed, with a viewer sharing their screen across the entire meeting, drawing profane things and making racist...

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Professors adapt to online courses

Professors adapt to online courses

Nicholas Tucker and Bailey Tomlinson
April 15, 2020

With the transition to entirely online classes, students are not the only ones facing a learning curve as the quarter begins. CWU professors are also working to adapt as they move a diverse array of classes...

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CWU will not reschedule spring commencement

CWU will not reschedule spring commencement

Mitchell Roland, Senior News Reporter
April 13, 2020

CWU has officially decided against rescheduling spring 2020 commencement due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In an email sent today signed by CWU Interim Provost Lynn Franken and Faculty Senate Chair...

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No reduction in force announced

No reduction in force announced

Bailey Tomlinson, News Editor
April 9, 2020

President James L. Gaudino announced CWU would not reduce staff through June 30 at the April 9 board of trustees (BOT) meeting. Additionally, he announced that all Cabinet members including himself have...

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SB 5395 mandates comprehensive sex ed in Washington schools

Abigail Duchow, Senior Reporter
April 9, 2020

Gov. Jay Inslee signed a bill on March 27 requiring comprehensive sexual education to be taught in public schools in the state of Washington. The bill will change how sex ed is taught in grades K-12. Requirements...

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