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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Opinion: What is a sack in today’s NFL?

Will Ortner, Staff Reporter
October 4, 2018

As we enter the fourth week of the NFL season, one thing is clear: the league has gone soft. It seems that every time a quarterback gets tackled, a flag gets thrown. Players and fans alike have voiced...

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Presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign stop at the Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

OPINION: Insults don’t count as arguments

Ray Payne, Staff Reporter
August 4, 2016

Seriously, I’m tired of reading articles or posts where the author can’t find better ways to explain why Donald Trump shouldn’t be president without referencing something about his appearance or...

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OPINION: ‘This was true profiling’

Ray Payne, Staff Reporter
July 14, 2016

Think of the most preppy, non-threatening, looking black person possible and that was me. On this day I went to a scholarship interview, from there I picked up my older sister and took her to her dentist...

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Opinion: A how-to guide on traveling over summer break

Opinion: A how-to guide on traveling over summer break

May 7, 2014

BY Mariah ROcker Copy Editor   Summer break is right around the corner, causing students and faculty alike to buzz with excitement for their summer plans. For many people, summer break...

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Opinion: LA Clippers owner gets clipped

Opinion: LA Clippers owner gets clipped

May 7, 2014

  BY Mia Patterson Copy Desk Chief   With the NBA Playoffs underway, there have been countless upsets, and I’m not talking about busted brackets. This past weekend, it was...

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Sports opinion: no rings, no problem

Sports opinion: no rings, no problem

May 7, 2014

BY Chance Weeks-Williams Staff Reporter     Have you ever been in a heated sports debate about a certain player’s worth or skills, and the other person asks how many championships...

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Opinion: Do you like what you see in the mirror?

April 29, 2014

BY Sarah Ruiz Online Editor When I heard about the Radical Beauty art exhibit and its call for art submissions, I knew I wanted to do something, but was lost about where to begin. I knew I...

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Opinion: Call it Significant Other Saturday: #SOS

April 29, 2014

    BY Adam Wilson Scene Editor I think I’m doing Instagram wrong. My #WCW (WomanCrush Wednesday)  history to date includes Natalie Dormer, Emelia Clark and Tricia Helfer. The...

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Opinion: Central Confessions Facebook page is back!

Opinion: Central Confessions Facebook page is back!

April 23, 2014

BY Chloe Hildeman Copy Editor   After nearly five months of inactivity, Central Washington Confessions has made a comeback. For unexplained reasons, the original confessions Facebook page...

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Opinion: The ‘B, T, K’s’ of beatboxing

Opinion: The ‘B, T, K’s’ of beatboxing

April 23, 2014

  BY Austin Luft Copy Editor   The term, the three pillars of hip hop, refers to the three central aspects of hip hop culture, emceeing, DJ-ing and break dancing.  A fourth is...

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Two episodes in, Game of Thrones

Two episodes in, Game of Thrones

April 17, 2014

  Last Sunday was the premiere of the fourth season of “Game of Thrones”, and one thing is for sure: Tywin Lannister is hell-bent on making sure the Stark legacy dies as fast as possible. Anyone...

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Looking back, what did you think of HIMYM finale?

Looking back, what did you think of HIMYM finale?

April 17, 2014

BY Camille Borodey Orientation Editor   The popular dramedy “How I Met Your Mother” ended its nine-season run recently, and many viewers were shocked by the bittersweet ending in which...

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