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Saturday, March 15, 2025

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

TOGETHER - Ball and his students worked on creating the play.

Theatre students work with professor to create “One Day in Cascadia”

Nicole Huson, Staff Reporter
November 6, 2014

The free event begins at 7:30 p.m. in the SURC Theatre. With help from his theatre students, Central assistant theatre professor, Jay Ball, has devised and “One Day in Cascadia,” a production centered...

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Coin de France explores cultures of francophone countries

Morgan Green, Staff Reporter
November 2, 2014

Coin de France meets every Monday at 5 p.m. at the Breeze Thru Cafe. Find them on Facebook! At the Breeze Thru Café in Michaelsen Hall, Central’s French club meets to explore the various facets of...

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Sex, drugs & Poon: alumni-formed band celebrates debut album with Friday show

Sex, drugs & Poon: alumni-formed band celebrates debut album with Friday show

Camille Borodey, Scene Editor
October 31, 2014

To celebrate the release of their first album “1 Natural Rubber Latex Condom” the four member rock band Poon, fronted by Central alumni John Otteni and Matt Carstens, will be performing at Old Skool’s...

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BEHIND THE MASK - The ball will include a contest for best attire.

Hal Holmes hosts masquerade ball

Cassidy Warness, Staff Reporter
October 31, 2014

For Samantha Grover and her team of competitive dancers, this Halloween will be far from the normal night of children’s trick-or-treating and passing out candy. On October 31, the Hal Holmes center...

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Diversity center honors the dead with Día de los Muertos

Diversity center honors the dead with Día de los Muertos

Kala Ty, Staff Reporter
October 30, 2014

The Center for Diversity & Social Justice is bringing the Mexican holiday Día de los Muertos to Central for a third year, with help from Casa Latina and some Central professors. Día de los Muertos,...

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BTW, Cake FYI is closing

Brittany Allen, Staff Reporter
October 30, 2014

On October 30, writer, baker and entrepreneur Molly Allen, owner of Cake FYI, will be closing her store to begin her new job as editor-in-chief of Best Friends For Frosting, (BFFF) a creativity focused...

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Migration theme inspires poetry

Brittany Allen, Staff Reporter
October 26, 2014

Last Thursday, when the Museum of Culture and Environment in Dean Hall celebrated their fifth anniversary and opened their “Migration, Now” exhibit to the public, they also gave students a new source...

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Biology Club slithers to Boo Central

Kala Tye, Staff Reporter
October 25, 2014

Biology Club President Sabah Shrinzada and Vice President Andrew Mason are trying to bring something different to the children attending Boo Central this year: an interest in biology. Boo Central is...

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Gaming writer finds path to CWU

Kala Tye, Staff Reporter
October 24, 2014

Adam Meyers, a new ballroom dance  instructor at Central, is also a writer for a popular tabletop game Pathfinder, a game that was based on Dungeons and Dragons. Meyers is the founder of the company...

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Getting in touch with A New You

Cassidy Warness, Staff Reporter
October 24, 2014

Having struggled with chronic pain and anxiety for years, Jaquelyn Ruth understands the negative physical effects that stress has on the body. Ruth has now found a place of peace and comfort after the...

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Gamers gather for League of Legends championship

Maria Harr, Assistant Scene Editor
October 23, 2014

The lights go down and there’s a palpable change in the air as the video stream comes up. Sound begins to play and cheers go up from the crowd of watchers. Excitement begins to build as the commentators...

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Orchestra takes CWU to the movies

Morgan Green, Staff Reporter
October 23, 2014

For the annual Halloween Pops Concert, the Central Symphony Orchestra is celebrating the musical talents of Oscar-winning composer, John Williams. John Williams is a famous composer known for producing...

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