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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

10 things you didn’t know about Central

Victoria Shamrell, Assistant Scene Editor
October 22, 2015

Central is full of surprises and is so diverse. By the time graduation rolls around many people think they know all there is to know about Central. But then there may be some things that will surprise...

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Central students search for the perfect pumpkin to bring home at the U-pick pumpkin patch at Huffman farms.

Ghouls, ghosts, and goblins galore

Dakota Segura, Staff Reporter
October 14, 2015

From haunted houses to pumpkin patches, there are a few upcoming events happening around Ellensburg throughout October for students and the community alike. Boo Central Boo Central is a free annual...

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Mitch Pfeifer: respect his region

Nic Cooper, Staff Reporter
October 14, 2015

Music, fashion, art, cuisine, sports and culture; these are the concepts Mitch Pfeifer, 27-year-old co-owner of Respect My Region and Ellensburg native, aims to embody in his clothing line and online blog. “The...

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Snapchat’s nudes are on fleek

Thomas Pattison, Staff Reporter
October 14, 2015

Recently, the popular app Snapchat has been surrounded in controversy. The Campus Story feature in particular has given rise conflict. Snapchat is an app meant to take pictures and video that captures...

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Top five free shows on Hulu

Top five free shows on Hulu

Cody Nilsen, Staff Reporter
October 14, 2015

The fall TV lineup is here. Hit shows like Empire and How to Get Away with Murder are off to an explosive start, the laughs are rolling in with Modern Family and shows like Blind Spot and Quantico...

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Ty Candler, junior economics and supply management major, plays with his dog Capona, adopted from a Tri-Cities family.

Adopting pets or adopting problems

Dakota Segura, Staff Reporter
October 8, 2015

Pets can be loving companions and a calming presence during stressful experiences or through bouts of homesickness, but they aren’t for everyone. Before rushing out to the local shelter and rescuing...

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Career Fair: possibilities in the air

Nic Cooper, Staff Reporter
October 8, 2015

During October, Central will be holding three different career fairs for students and industry professionals to mingle. There will be an Engineering & Technology and Safety & Construction Fair...

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Pipes bring pop to Central

Cody Nilsen, Staff Reporter
October 8, 2015

Another school year has begun at Central and there is no time to waste for the members of the symphony orchestra.   On Oct. 11, Central’s orchestra will be collaborating with Carlos Núñez, a multi-instrumentalist...

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The Iron Horse Brewery Pub's new location is larger than the old tasting room next door.

Hoppin’ breweries

Thomas Pattison, Staff Reporter
October 8, 2015

It's a friday night and the year is 1880. The place to get a beer is City Brewery. City Brewery and other historic breweries, such as The Ellensburg Brewing and Malting Company and the (old) Roslyn...

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Blue Rock features a faithful "southern" style and charm.

Ellensburg’s newest hootenanny

Elliott Llera, Online Editor
October 7, 2015

What happens when you combine the dancing of 301, the country western theme of Frontier, and a kitchen that stays open later than The Tav’s? Blue Rock Saloon. The newest addition to Ellensburg’s nightlife...

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88.1 The 'Burg hosts College Radio Day for the second year in a row.

Bringing back college radio

Victoria Shamrell, Assistant Scene Editor
October 7, 2015

If you hear music blasting outside on the SURC patio, it's most likely courtesy of 88.1 The ‘Burg, Central’s college radio station. Recently the station has been preparing for their second annual College...

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Museum opens with series of experimental exhibits

Brittany Allen, Photo Editor
October 5, 2015

After being closed for the summer, the Museum of Culture and Environment is reopening its doors in Dean Hall with a set of  interdisciplinary, cross-campus exhibits in conjunction with the Sarah Spurgeon...

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