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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

A teacher in the making

Lindsey Powers, Scene Senior Reporter
February 16, 2017

College is a time to explore career options, but it is also a time to meet new people and make memories. Callie Bursey is a senior education and special education double-major. Bursey said she loved...

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Condom Catwalk Review

Daisy Perez, Scene Reporter
February 16, 2017

Last Wednesday, Feb. 8, my roommates and I got a little more dressed up than our usual denim jeans, snow boots and jackets. We curled our hair and I finally wore that deep red lipstick I bought a year...

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Showtime at Central

Tim Mitchell, Scene Reporter
February 16, 2017

Singing and spoken word echoed through the SURC Theater on Friday, Feb. 10, as students auditioned for “Showtime at Central,” a remake of the nationally-televised “Showtime at the Apollo,” which...

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All you need is love

All you need is love

Daisy Perez, Scene Reporter
February 9, 2017

Arber Demiri For Americans, heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, bouquets of red roses, giant brown teddy bears and dinners at fancy restaurants are common Valentine’s Day traditions. Andrea Sanchez, a...

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Ask Dr. H

Dr. H, Column Writer
February 9, 2017

Dear Dr. H, How do you gauge the level of interest between a guy and a girl? I don’t want to force it but I want to advance the intimacy. Dear student, All too often in our confrontation-averse...

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They have the brass

They have the brass

Tim Mitchell, Scene Reporter
February 9, 2017

Xander Fu The sun rises and with it the sounds of trumpets playing; the members of the CWU Trumpet Club are beginning their morning practice. Every morning, trumpet students meet in pairs to play through...

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Secret Valentine's Gift Exchange

Secret Valentine’s Gift Exchange

Daisy Perez, Scene Reporter
February 9, 2017

Giving gifts is just one way to tell your special someone how important they are. This year, the CWU chapter of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) began a tradition of a secret Valentine’s...

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Mad Chad

Beau Kelderhouse, Scene Reporter
February 9, 2017

All comedic performances include jokes and witty banter but very few include flying chainsaws and death-defying stunts. Mad Chad Taylor, a performer who incorporates chainsaw juggling into his comedy set...

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Enter a world of adventure

Enter a world of adventure

Beau Kelderhouse, Staff Writer
February 2, 2017

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) club is an up-and-coming group at CWU. Only having a few meetings within the last few months, the club has experienced a large turn-out. Meeting in Black Hall, attendees...

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Ask Dr. H

Dr. H, Column Writer
February 2, 2017

I’m a girl who has sex with other girls. I never thought much about STIs, but am I at risk? Dear Student, If you’re a human who has sex with other humans, you’re at risk for an STI. That said,...

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Vocal performers go over the top

Vocal performers go over the top

Tim Mitchell, Staff Writer
February 2, 2017

Over-the-TOPera will take viewers through a night of operatic arias and absolute silliness at the McIntyre Music Building on Saturday, Feb. 4. Aria comes from the Italian word “air,” meaning an operatic...

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Red Sand Project decorates campus

Red Sand Project decorates campus

Lindsey Powers, Scene Senior Reporter
February 2, 2017

Students roaming the CWU campus may have seen bright red sand lining cracks in cement and dying the snow drifts. Molly Gochman’s Red Sand Project made its debut at CWU earlier this year, and has since...

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