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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

May the Fourth Be With You

May the Fourth Be With You

Susie Chavez, Scene Reporter
May 4, 2017

A long time ago in a city not too far away, a couple of young directors set out to create a film saga that would go on to become one of the most popular franchises the world has seen. The Star Wars...

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International Field Day  cancelled for now

International Field Day cancelled for now

April Porter, Scene Reporter
May 1, 2017

International Field Day was scheduled to be an event where international students and American students could bond over activities and games. Unfortunately, the field day was canceled due to the lack of...

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CWU Civics Week

Ben Ramirez, Scene Reporter
May 1, 2017

College Civics Week aims to bring everyone’s beliefs to one safe space and to be an event for students to get to know the opinions of their friends and learn how to be locally active College Civics...

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Rock Against Rape

Rock Against Rape

Daisy Perez, Scene Senior Reporter
April 24, 2017

The 9th annual Rock Against Rape will feature the local rock band, COBRAHAWK. The band wants to help spread the Wellness Center’s message: That sexual assault prevention and additional resources that...

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Salmon Run

Ben Ramirez, Scene Writer
April 21, 2017

With Earth Day fast approaching, the Museum of Culture and Environment is preparing for their 5th annual Earth Day Family Festival and Salmon Run. At 9 a.m. on April 22, the festivities will begin outside...

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Ask Dr. H

Dr. H, Column Writer
April 20, 2017

Dear Dr. H., Is douching healthy? Dear Student, No, student, douching is not healthy. Although Center for Disease Control (CDC) research finds that nearly 1 in 4 women in the U.S. douche, most...

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Drink up

Drink up

Miranda Cunningham, Scene Reporter
April 20, 2017

On Thursday, April 20 Bruce’s Place, located in Ellensburg Pasta Co on Main Street, will be hosting a fundraising event, CraftED Kittitas County, for the CWU’s craft brewing program. The event will...

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Don't "waste" your time

Don’t “waste” your time

April Porter, Scene Reporter
April 20, 2017

Earth Day is about taking one day out of the year in celebration of our planet; doing what we can to care for our planet and keep it healthy. The day before Earth Day, April 21, the Center for Leadership...

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Bow......and Commence

Bow……and Commence

Alex Palacios, Scene Reporter
April 20, 2017

Stress and college often go hand-in-hand, as students face like heavy homework loads, tuition and busy schedules. An essential part of a successful college career is knowing how to release that stress...

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A whole new crust

A whole new crust

Susie Chavez, Scene Reporter
April 20, 2017

When thinking about the experience of eating pizza, what comes to mind is a cheesy, saucy, garlicky, slice of pizza. But when you take the first bite, the pizza crust will either make or break the pizza....

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Miranda Cunningham, Scene Reporter
April 13, 2017

Xander Fu The Sarah Spurgeon Gallery is hosting a photography exhibit titled “Spectrum” from April 6 through 30. The exhibit features photos from Tommy Nease, a 24-year-old who works for the forest...

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Ask Dr. H

Dr. H, Column Writer
April 13, 2017

Do you need to use lube if something is wrong? Dear student, Many people use lube during sex and it’s not necessarily a case where something is wrong with the people involved or the sex they are...

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