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Saturday, March 15, 2025

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Sandra Galta on The Intersection of Gender, Sexuality and Immigration

Milenne Quinonez, Staff Reporter
May 26, 2021

Sandra Galta, a part-time Sociology professor, unravels the vulnerability of women to rape, family separation and deportation of partners/spouses of the “UndocuQueer” population in the U.S and the...

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Local author visits CWU for Racism & Criminal Justice series to discuss racism within police culture

Jamie Wyatt, Staff Reporter
May 19, 2021

Brooks Library is hosting a virtual series in partnership with Law and Justice professor Roger Schaefer to discuss the current controversial topic of racism through the lens of criminal justice.  The...

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Asian Studies program invited guest speaker to discuss 'Women and Buddhism'

Asian Studies program invited guest speaker to discuss ‘Women and Buddhism’

Lexi Wicks, Staff Reporter
May 19, 2021

How do women engage with Buddhism? It is one question among many that Jin Park addressed May 13 in a women and Buddhism webinar. By taking a look into the life of Kim Iryǒp (1896-1971) Park hopes to find...

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WiseCrax: Well, Excuse Me!

Libby Williams, Columnist
May 19, 2021

Congratulations on reaching week seven of spring quarter. Or is it week eight? Or, wait, what month is it? … Where am I? Regardless of it all, you deserve a break.  Maybe you’ve made it this far...

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Michael Hurt discussed Korean LGBTQ history

Michael Hurt discussed Korean LGBTQ history

Ondrea Machin, Staff Reporter
May 19, 2021

The fight for LGBTQ rights has been a highly discussed topic across the globe for the past few years and continues to gain traction with each passing year. But even with all the progress, there is a continued...

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Panelists invited by Douglas Honors College speak about the flaws with artificial intelligence

Joshua Smith and Addie Adkins
May 19, 2021

What is Artificial Intelligence? This was the first question given to panelists at “Artificial Intelligence: The Future is Now.” On this point, the panelists seemed to agree that none could offer a...

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Ibram X. Kendi speaks to CWU in Zoom webinar

Mariana Gonzalez, Staff Reporter
May 19, 2021

Renowned author, professor, and antiracism scholar Ibram X. Kendi spoke to CWU via Zoom on Wednesday May 12 from 4-5p.m. Around 500 attendees were present for the webinar.  Kendi is the founding director...

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DEI Commission First Meeting

DEI Commission First Meeting

Milenne Quinonez, Staff Reporter
May 19, 2021

The first meeting of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Commission was off to a positive start according to Nancy Goodloe, the council representative and chair for the commission.  Recently...

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Cultural Conversations: Learning about another culture through storytelling

Cultural Conversations: Learning about another culture through storytelling

Ondrea Machin, Staff Reporter
May 12, 2021

Learning about a different culture can be a fun and interesting experience, but it can also be difficult. On May 4, the Office of International Studies and Programs (OISP) and Brooks Library held its quarterly...

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Family game show plays at Family Fun Day

Family game show plays at Family Fun Day

Mariana Gonzalez, Staff Reporter
May 12, 2021

FUN is the first word in the family game show as students and their families played together in what was only a small part of Saturday’s Family Fun Day. The game show modeled after Family Feud and renamed...

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Bye CWU, hello University of Iowa!

Bye CWU, hello University of Iowa!

Lexi Wicks, Staff Reporter
May 12, 2021

A profile of Madeline Wilson, previous editor-in-chief of PULSE magazine Now that it is spring quarter, many students are gearing up for graduation. The finish line is in sight and their time at CWU is...

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WiseCrax: My Heart Pumps for the Golden Arches

Libby Williams, Staff Reporter
May 12, 2021

McDonald’s, bottom of the lunch rush in the dead of summer. It’s hot out here people, you can see it in the crew member’s glazed over eyes, but they’re still pushing for the corporate man upstairs....

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