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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Courtesy of Jaeda Nelson

Q&A with Jaeda Nelson

Crystal Clausen, Online Editor
April 27, 2022

Meet Jaeda Nelson, a first-generation college student majoring in Business Administration, with a specialization in Leadership and Management. She has worked at the Diversity and Equity Center for two...

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The history and impact of marijuana incarceration on minority communities

The history and impact of marijuana incarceration on minority communities

Morgana Carroll, Staff Reporter
April 20, 2022

“You aren’t going to go arrest the people on Wall Street for their powder cocaine; It’s done behind closed doors, and they can afford a good lawyer,” said Chuck Reasons, law and justice professor. “Much...

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Crater Lake and OBF 2008

THC induced hunger brings business to local eateries

Elliott Watkins, Staff Reporter
April 20, 2022

Munchies are “the compelling and intense feeling of hunger after smoking weed,” according to Cooldad101 on Urban Dictionary. Those that choose to partake in cannabis-related activities likely know...

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National Debate on legalization. (Getty Images)

Possible federal legalization of marijuana impacts students

Joshua Kornfeld, Staff Reporter
April 20, 2022

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act (MORE Act) on April 1. The act aims to decriminalize the use of marijuana at the federal level.  The...

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Courtesy of Dr. Rajendran

Q&A with Dr. Sathyanarayanan Rajendran

Crystal Clausen, Online Editor
April 20, 2022

Sathyanarayanan “Sathy” Rajendran has been named the new dean of Central Washington University’s College of Education and Professional Studies (CEPS). Rajendran has a BS, MS, and PhD in civil engineering,...

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Xavier Cavazos displays his pain.

“Where I-90 meets I-82” exhibit features artwork from around the nation

Katherine Camarata, Scene Editor
April 13, 2022

“After a child drowns we close the well with a clay slab,” senior in Professional and Creative Writing and English Language and Literature Karla Maravilla said, her voice filled with sorrow while reading...

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Courtesy of @escatcwu on Instagram

CWU clubs promote themselves at the Spring Involvement Fair

Morgana Carroll, Staff Reporter
April 13, 2022

The SURC Ballroom was alive with students connecting to clubs promoting themselves on April 5 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the Spring Involvement Fair.  The Involvement Fair is an event hosted by...

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PUSH connects CWU students with resources

PUSH connects CWU students with resources

Joshua Kornfeld, Staff Reporter
April 13, 2022

Twenty-nine percent of college students attending a four year institution reported food insecurity within the previous 30 days according to the Hope Survey. The president of President’s United to Solve...

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Courtesy of Katie Parks

Q&A with Katie Parks

Crystal Clausen and Emily LaFave
April 13, 2022

Meet Katie Parks, the Health Promotion Coordinator for Violence Prevention and Response at the Wellness Center. She received her B.S. in Psychology and Women & Gender Studies from Central Michigan...

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Q&A: Volha Isakava speaks on the Russia/Ukraine war

Q&A: Volha Isakava speaks on the Russia/Ukraine war

Addie Adkins, Assistant Copy Editor
April 6, 2022

Meet Volha Isakava, an associate professor of Russian and coordinator of the Russian Studies program. She teaches courses on Russian language and culture as well as courses on popular culture and globalization,...

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DEC honors Transgender Day of Visibility

DEC honors Transgender Day of Visibility

Katherine Camarata, Scene Editor
April 6, 2022

The LGBTQ pride flag was draped over a table with a wheel sitting on top eager to be spun last Thursday, March 31 as representatives of Q*Fam shared resources, played games and gave out prizes to honor...

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COVID-19 takes its toll on wellness

COVID-19 takes its toll on wellness

Katherine Camarata, Senior Reporter
March 9, 2022

Students and community members have felt the long-term effects of the pandemic over the past two years and it is more important now than ever to take care of our mental health, according to representatives...

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