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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

More questions than answers

Lindsey Wisniewski, Contributing Writer
October 29, 2015

The young woman walked into her bathroom, sat on the toilet seat and pondered her next move. She reached into the medicine cabinet for a bottle of Tylenol PM, an over-the-counter pain reliever that most...

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CWU updates 15-year-old student conduct code

Kailan Manandic, Staff Reporter
October 29, 2015

The last time Central Washington University updated its student code of conduct, Bill Gates was stepping down as CEO of Microsoft. It was the same year the Kingdome was demolished in Seattle. For the...

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Being safe, smart with drugs and alcohol

Being safe, smart with drugs and alcohol

Matt Escamilla, Staff Reporter
October 29, 2015

Having the opportunity to celebrate holidays on or around a college campus is part of the college experience. With Halloween coming up, Central students will have the opportunity to celebrate with their...

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CWU internet is doing Wi-Fine

Jarrik Farrand, Staff Reporter
October 29, 2015

Despite the constant muttering of complaints from students about bad Wi-Fi, Greg Harvill, Central’s director of networks and operations, said that Central’s network is as good, if not better, than...

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The class of 1988 cheers on the football team during the traditional homecoming game

Homecoming: it’s about the memories

Julia Moreno, Assistant News Editor
October 22, 2015

Since it started in 1925, homecoming has been about celebrating Central’s past. For alums who have graduated and moved on to be geologists, teachers, computer specialists and pilots, it’s a time...

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Joanne Hillemann, building project manager, points out the new telescope platforms on the roof of Science II, which is set to open in Fall of 2016

Science Phase II nearly complete

Sarah Quartararo, Copy Desk
October 22, 2015

The construction site for Science II, set to open for class in fall of 2016, simmers in the smell of plaster and paint. The entry to the massive 120,000-square-foot building -- past construction vehicles,...

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Call them aphids; woolly aphids

Call them aphids; woolly aphids

Destini Dickinson, Staff Reporter
October 22, 2015

Central has been hit with a swarm of tiny little bugs commonly called “blue gnats.” As it turns out, they aren’t gnats at all. Jason Irwin, associate professor of biological sciences, said they...

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Safeguarding against sexual assault

Kailan Manandic, Staff Reporter
October 22, 2015

Universities across the country are seeing an increase in reports of on-campus sexual assault and rape, a trend Central isn’t immune to. In a 2010 survey, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported...

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Interim provost of CWU named, starts Nov. 1

Interim provost of CWU named, starts Nov. 1

Jonathan Glover, News Editor
October 22, 2015

Central has announced Stephen T. Hulbert as the interim vice president of academic and student life and provost for Central Washington University. He is scheduled to start on Nov. 1. This declaration...

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Science Phase II to feature new amenities for students, including 80-seat planetarium

Nic Cooper, Contributing Writer
October 22, 2015

The new Science II building, set to open next fall, is packed with features that are either new or are improvements over what is currently on campus. One of these new features will be Central’s first...

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The lack of air conditioning makes it difficult for summer classes to be held in Michaelson and Randall halls.

Summer heat turns Michaelson and Randall into ‘brick ovens’

Matt Escamilla, Staff Reporter
October 22, 2015

A teacher's office is like a second home. They spend more time in their office than anywhere else on campus. Because of this, it's imperative that faculty make their offices feel more comfortable. However,...

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Maria Harr and Grace Lindsley/Observer

Preparing for the unthinkable

Elliott Llera, Online Editor
October 14, 2015

On top of a shelf in Capt. Dan Hansberry’s office at the Ellensburg Police Department (EPD) sits a binder. Inside the white, plastic folds lies a plan; one the veteran officer of 23 years hopes he never...

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