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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

James King, environmental advocate and Central student, wears over 300 bags to bring attention to the cause to ban plastic bags in Kittitas County.

The plastic monster

Kailan Manandic, Staff Reporter
December 6, 2015
Environmental advocate and Central student James King has an unusual way of keeping warm this winter. While most students would throw on an extra layer or two, King is covered head to toe in over 300 bright yellow plastic bags...
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Vacant plots of land along the I-90 interchanges are zoned specifically for big box development. They currently sit empty and ready.

The need for big box retailers in Ellensburg

Elliott Llera, Online Editor
December 6, 2015
Every year, while millions of Americans are still digesting their Thanksgiving dinner, the holiday season kicks off with consumers spending billions of dollars during Black Friday sales at the nation’s largest retailers...
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Wildcat way can't keep rats away

Wildcat way can’t keep rats away

Jarrik Farrand, Staff Reporter
December 6, 2015

Large rats have taken up post in Ellensburg, infesting downtown and causing major problems in the community. This past August, a major power outage in Ellensburg was caused by rats that chewed through...

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Central students help translate parent-teacher conferences for Mount Stuart Elementary school.

Student translators connecting with the community

Destini Dickinson, Staff Reporter
December 4, 2015

Spanish Professor Nathalie Kasselis worked with Mount Stuart Elementary to have 20 students from her Spanish Translation course translate at parent-teacher conferences on Nov. 19 and Nov. 20. In the...

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SEOIs crucial for future students

Matt Escamilla, Staff Reporter
December 4, 2015

According to Lene Pedersen, chair and member of the Faculty Senate at Central, teacher-student collaboration and evaluation is the heart of a successful educational system.   Pedersen believes,...

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WWU cancels classes today in response to campus racism, CWU President responds

Jonathan Glover, News Editor
November 24, 2015

Earlier today Western Washington University cancelled classes at its Bellingham campus in light of racial hate speech posted on the anonymous social media phone app Yik Yak. As reported by the Seattle...

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Gaudino met with students on Monday evening to discuss changes

Gaudino responds to student protest, demands

Julia Moreno, Assistant News Editor
November 21, 2015

Near the end of Thursday’s demonstration, protester Gianni Glover challenged President James Gaudino: “If you give us false hope by making these commitments and fail to do them, would you be willing...

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The demonstration  at Central last Thursday was meant to show solidarity with protestors at the University of Missouri

Protests at Mizzou spark responses nationwide

Jonathan Glover, News Editor
November 21, 2015
On Monday, Nov. 9, University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe announced his resignation in response to growing pressure from students following multiple cases of documented racism on the Mizzou campus...
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Student protesters gathered in the SURC last Thursday to vent frustrations to President Gaudino.

Racial tensions rise at Central as students fight for equality

Elliott Llera, Online Editor
November 19, 2015

In the 1960s, Martin Luther King stood for racial equality. Half a century later, students at Central are still standing. About 60 student activists formed a large circle in the middle of the SURC dining...

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FISH food bank helps around 620 families and 1,600 individuals every month in Ellensburg.

FISH has turkey, food for Thanksgiving

Kailan Manandic, Staff Reporter
November 19, 2015
On Nov. 28, 2014, the day after Thanksgiving, the Friends In Service to Humanity (FISH) Food bank caught fire, burning nearly all of the food stored for the holidays. In the aftermath, there was a large hole in the building.
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Central Transit hits road block, WSDOT grant funding in doubt

Central Transit hits road block, WSDOT grant funding in doubt

Julia Moreno, Assistant Editor
November 19, 2015

  Faced with the possible loss of Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) funded grants, the Central Transit bus system is exploring other, more stable funding options, according...

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Environmental club to hold Climate Walk in Ellensburg

Destini Dickinson, Staff Reporter
November 19, 2015

Beginning at noon on Sunday, Nov. 22 in the SURC, multiple community-driven groups, including Our Environment, Central’s Environmental Club and the Kittitas Audubon society, are joining together to start...

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