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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Medical weed comes back to Ellensburg shops

Jonathan Olsen-Koziol, Staff Reporter
October 12, 2016

On July 1, Washington merged the recreational and medical marijuana markets. The merger focuses on regulating Washington’s unregulated collective.  As a result of the merger, State Governor Jay...

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CWU shakes things up in Chile

April Porter, Staff Reporter
October 12, 2016

Professors Lisa Ely and Breanyn MacInnes are heading to Chile again in January 2017. Ely has previously been to Chile to study past earthquakes and tsunamis as a grant- funded exploration. Thise grant,...

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President Gaudino and ASCWU condemn local KKK activities

Ray Payne, Senior News Reporter
October 6, 2016

The Ellensburg community has recently become concerned about the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) fliers that have been found throughout town. Tomorrow, Oct. 7, there will be a meeting at 12:30 p.m. in the SURC...

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Crackdown on vaping

Crackdown on vaping

Jonathan Olsen-Koziol, Staff Reporter
October 6, 2016

As of Aug. 8, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeled all vaping products tobacco products as a result of an industry-wide crackdown. This means all products not on the market before 2007 must...

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CWU sends students south for SOBRE México

CWU sends students south for SOBRE México

Samuel Beaumonte, Staff Reporter
October 6, 2016

Professors Daniel Beck and Gabrielle Stryker are preparing for their first summer trip to Jalisco, Mexico after receiving a $250,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for SOBRE MÉXICO:...

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Sex crime is up in 2016 crime report

Sex crime is up in 2016 crime report

The Observer Staff
October 6, 2016

Students who have been at CWU for more than a year should be used to the occasional phone call or e-mail about a recent emergency incident on campus or nearby. This system is called CWU Alert and fortunately...

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The Weed Limit

Kyle Kuhn, Staff Reporter
October 6, 2016

Almost four years after legalizing the recreational use of marijuana, Washington law enforcement continues to use blood tests to help determine a driver’s level of impairment in marijuana-related DUI...

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President Gaudino addresses concerns of KKK and hate speech

McKenzie Lakey, Editor-in-Chief
October 4, 2016

Around 4:30 p.m. on Oct.4, CWU President James Gaudino released a public statement to faculty, staff and students in response to reported hate speech and KKK pamphlets found throughout the Ellensburg community. The...

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Popular items, such as clothing, resulted in higher sales for the Wildcat Shop during orientations on campus

CWU orientations take off with enrollment on the rise

Annika Lynch, Staff Reporter
July 30, 2016

Campus introductions  With the new school year coming up, first year students have been touring the campus for the first time at Central Washington University. The first year student orientation...

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President Gaudino reaches fifth year of agreement; set to receive $500,000 incentive bonus

President Gaudino reaches fifth year of agreement; set to receive $500,000 incentive bonus

Annika Lynch, Staff Reporter
July 29, 2016

The first contract that Central Washington University President James L. Gaudino signed when coming to the university in 2009 was supposed to end after 2011, but a key change occurred in his contract in...

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The office of the Kittitas County Democrats continues to house signs and materials from past campaigns.

Democratic National Convention to begin

Natalie Baldwin, Staff Reporter
July 23, 2016

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) will be a four day event, similar to the Republican National Convention, beginning July 25th and ending July 28th in Philadelphia. Following the traditional...

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The Kittitas County GOP headquarters is located off University Way near CWU.

Republican National Convention wraps up

Natalie Baldwin, Staff Reporter
July 22, 2016

The Republican National Convention, held in Cleveland, Ohio and began on July 18, recently concluded. During this convention Donald Trump formally accepted his role as the Republican Presidential candidate...

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