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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Possible cuts to work study program

Possible cuts to work study program

Nick Tucker, Senior News Reporter
May 2, 2019

Next year, work study funding may be cut by over half due to the White House’s proposed 2020 budget. Every year, the White House sends a proposed budget to Congress which may or may not be approved....

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Shooter investigation closed

Shooter investigation closed

Mariah Valles, Editor-in-Chief
May 1, 2019

CWU Police completed a two-month long investigation after the active shooter false alarm on Feb. 6. Students can expect an after action report in the coming weeks and an active shooter training video early...

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ASCWU candidates gear up for the final vote

Rune Torgersen, Online and Social Media Manager
April 24, 2019

With about 24 hours left until the end of this year’s ASCWU election, the candidates took the stage one last time earlier today to participate in their final public debate. Set in the SURC Theatre, the...

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Breaking down the new general education program

Breaking down the new general education program

Jack Belcher, News Editor
April 24, 2019

Jason White hopes that more people attend the next presentation of the new general education program on April 29.  White believes that this program is very important for students to understand. White...

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The legal age to buy tobacco or vape products will be raised from 18 years old to 21 years old. This will go into effect starting January 1, 2020

Smoking age increased to 21

Dez Rodriguez, Staff Reporter
April 24, 2019

The legal age to purchase tobacco, e-cigarettes and vape products, with or without nicotine, was raised from 18 to 21 in Washington state. The law penalizes anyone who sells to underage buyers, usually...

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The problem of retention was brought to attention at the April faculty senate meeting. While new student numbers are rising, those students are not staying at CWU for as long as they previously were.

New programs seek to fight dropping retention

Nick Tucker, Senior News Reporter
April 24, 2019

A university’s retention rate is the percentage of students who stay after their first year of attendance, and CWU’s retention rate is dropping. In 2013 78.9 percent of students kept attending CWU...

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No drought about it, Washington needs water

No drought about it, Washington needs water

Nick Tucker, Senior News Reporter
April 24, 2019

Governor Jay Inslee declared a drought emergency on April 4 in three different ecological zones including the Yakima River Basin. Due to lowering amounts of precipitation and hot, dry forecasts for coming...

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Candidates spread their message at first ASCWU public debate

Candidates spread their message at first ASCWU public debate

Rune Torgersen, Online and Social Media Manager
April 18, 2019

Last night, the first post-primary public debate of this year’s ASCWU election was held in the SURC Pit. Candidates for all the different positions were in attendance, and were presented with questions...

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Budgeting saves big bucks

Budgeting saves big bucks

Nick Tucker, Senior News Reporter
April 17, 2019

Natalie Melendez, a senior who works for 88.1 The Burg, said she taught herself how to budget after nearly becoming homeless when her father lost his business during the recession in 2008. For her, budgeting...

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Bike racks can be found full around campus. Pictured above are multiple bikes outside of the 1891 Bistro. Students can register their bikes with CWU
police to help track them down if they are ever stolen.

Pedaling past parking passes

Dez Rodriguez, Staff Reporter
April 17, 2019

Students are parking their cars and riding their bikes to campus now that the weather is improving. With how much money it can save and the easier it is to get to class, the trend seems likely to continue....

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Dolleman and Washington win primary: ready for general election

Dolleman and Washington win primary: ready for general election

NIck Tucker, Senior Sports Reporter
April 17, 2019

Correction 4/18/19: In our previous version of this story, we presented statistics stating that 0.6 percent of CWU students voted in the ASCWU primaries. This proved to be a mathematical error, and the...

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The registrar office is located in room 140 in
Boullion Hall.

Degree checkout springing towards graduation

Dez Rodriguez, Staff Reporter
April 10, 2019

With CWU Commencement approaching, seniors are setting their sights on June to finally graduate and take on the real world. However, preparation for senior year can be more complicated than it might seem....

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