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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Recreational Marijuana Sales: Union Gap is on the Map

July 10, 2014

Union Gap has made the list of one of the first cities in the first batch of 24 recreational pot shops in the state of Washington. Instead of the July 8 statewide first day of marijuana sales, Adam...

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Ellensburg’s New Airwaves

July 8, 2014

By Justin Nunez Ellensburg is getting a new radio station very soon. It’s called Ellensburg Community Radio and it is a non-profit radio station located in the 420 Building and is dedicated to education. ECR...

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Un-approved fees cause CWU to be audited

July 8, 2014

By Kyle Fenton A whistleblower investigation by the State Auditor’s Office showed Central Washington University took improper action in a student quarterly fee increase, later to be corrected. State...

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Jerrol’s art wall gets caught in dispute

Jerrol’s art wall gets caught in dispute

June 5, 2014

BY Patience Collier News Editor BY Sarah Ruiz Online Editor   A mural depicting Pacific Northwest culture on the wall behind Jerrol’s Bookstore was recently defaced with racist...

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Central students prepare gender workshop for future educators

June 3, 2014

BY Kelsie Miller Staff Reporter   Two Central students will teach an education workshop on being an ally to transgender students this Monday. The workshop, which will be presented to students...

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Concert-goers face high-risk situations

Concert-goers face high-risk situations

June 2, 2014

BY Marissa Toussaint Staff Reporter   Many students at Central are unaware of the risks involved in heavily attended music festivals. Matt Christiansen, a Central law and justice and...

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The EverGreen Scene: Concerned residents aim to repeal pot land-use code

The EverGreen Scene: Concerned residents aim to repeal pot land-use code

Colt Sweetland, Assistant News Editor
June 2, 2014

Concerned Ellensburg residents rallied at the Kittitas County commissioners’ public hearing and asked for the repeal of a recently passed ordinance, spurred by two new marijuana facilities to be constructed...

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New financial management at Central

May 28, 2014

BY Aaron Kunkler Staff Reporter   Central will be starting a new system of financial management this summer, involving the redistribution of college and department funds to cover budget shortfalls....

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Green Dot aims for campus safety

May 27, 2014

BY Colt Sweetland Assistant News Editor   Central’s Green Dot program, which is run by the Wellness Center on campus, is their primary risk prevention program. The Green Dot program...

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State set to track legal marijuana sales for user safety

May 27, 2014

BY Aaron Kunkler Staff Reporter   With the retail sale of recreational marijuana nearly upon Washington, the state Liquor Control Board (LCB) has enacted various requirements for marijuana...

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African Culture Night draws over 50 guests

African Culture Night draws over 50 guests

May 21, 2014

BY Sarah Ruiz Online Editor May 20, over 50 guests filled the Wellington Event Center to celebrate African Culture Night. The night was hosted by the Center for Diversity and Social Justice and...

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This Thursday starting at 6:30 p.m.: “God Loves Uganda” film screening and discussion

May 20, 2014

BY Observer Staff This Thursday, several Central departments will host a screening of the documentary, “God Loves Uganda,” on the effects of American missionary work and homophobia in Uganda, in...

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