By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Green Dot aims for campus safety

May 27, 2014

BY Colt Sweetland Assistant News Editor   Central’s Green Dot program, which is run by the Wellness Center on campus, is their primary risk prevention program. The Green Dot program...

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State set to track legal marijuana sales for user safety

May 27, 2014

BY Aaron Kunkler Staff Reporter   With the retail sale of recreational marijuana nearly upon Washington, the state Liquor Control Board (LCB) has enacted various requirements for marijuana...

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African Culture Night draws over 50 guests

African Culture Night draws over 50 guests

May 21, 2014

BY Sarah Ruiz Online Editor May 20, over 50 guests filled the Wellington Event Center to celebrate African Culture Night. The night was hosted by the Center for Diversity and Social Justice and...

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This Thursday starting at 6:30 p.m.: “God Loves Uganda” film screening and discussion

May 20, 2014

BY Observer Staff This Thursday, several Central departments will host a screening of the documentary, “God Loves Uganda,” on the effects of American missionary work and homophobia in Uganda, in...

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Tiered course feed held back

May 20, 2014

BY Aaron Kunkler Staff Reporter   Recently, the university’s Budget and Finance Committee approved a measure which would implement a tiered fee system for courses with an online presence...

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Ellensburg public schools pass gender equality policy

May 20, 2014

BY Kristi Young Staff Reporter   In March, the Ellensburg School Board passed district wide Policy No. 3211, which is intended to provide an inclusive approach to transgender students in...

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TOMORROW: SOURCE starts 8 a.m. in the SURC

May 15, 2014

BY ANNIKA LYNCH Staff Reporter   On Thursday, May 15, Central will be hosting The Symposium On University Research and Creative Expression (SOURCE) from 8 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. in the SURC. The...

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Central works on recycling issues

Central works on recycling issues

May 14, 2014

BY R. Troy Peterson Staff Reporter   Central’s recycling program has benefitted the campus and community for years, but some believe the university could be doing better. Jason Scribner...

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Photo by Kelsie Miller

WA. Student Association meeting focuses on college affordability for CWU students

May 13, 2014

BY Kelsie Miller Staff Reporter   The Washington Student Association (WSA) held its first 2014 General Assembly meeting at Central last Saturday, where their legislative agenda for the...

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The EverGreen Scene: Commissioners voice concerns on marijuana growers, processors

May 9, 2014

BY Colt Sweetland Assistant News Editor   The Kittitas County commissioners signed new land-use regulations on marijuana, even though they have concerns about the lasting effects marijuana...

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The EverGreen Scene: Marijuana retail lottery winners announced for Ellensburg

May 9, 2014

BY Sullivan Carter Contributing Writer   The release of the marijuana retail lottery results came with good and bad news Saturday. The good news is the state is one step closer to selling...

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TODAY: Voting for the Learning Commons, what you need to know

May 8, 2014

Today, students will vote on whether or not to fund the Learning Commons with a new fee. Central's Learning Commons has not been adequately funded since it's conception, according to Prairie Brown,...

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