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By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

By the students, for the students of Central Washington University

The Observer

Veterans unable to use benefits for professional pilot degree

Julia Martinez, Online Editor
October 22, 2014

For the time being, veterans utilizing their GI Bill will not be able to use their benefits toward Central’s professional pilot degree. Central plans to appeal through the Department of Veterans Affairs...

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Nobody was hurt when a car crashed into Woods Hardware store on Pearl Street in downtown Ellensburg earlier this evening.

Car crashes into Woods Hardware, no injuries reported

Colt Sweetland, News Editor
October 21, 2014

On Tuesday, Oct. 21 at approximately 5:10 p.m., a car crashed through the window of Woods Hardware in Ellensburg. The accident was located at 3rd and Pearl St. According to Ellensburg Police Detective...

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Central cuts five academic programs in final phase, continues four others

Central cuts five academic programs in final phase, continues four others

Julia Martinez, Online Editor
October 18, 2014

Central’s recently dissolved Academic Program Task Force (APTF) eliminated five programs earlier this week in its final phase, allowing four others to continue for the time being in an effort to reduce...

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SAFETY FIRST - CAT members Maure and Weenik accompany a student at night.

Safety in numbers, CAT provides campus security

Haley Curl, Staff Reporter
October 18, 2014

Every night, starting at 7 p.m., students and faculty can call (509)963-2950, and arrange for one of the Courtesy Assistance Team (CAT) members to meet and escort them to wherever they need to go on campus. CAT...

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Science Phase II helps Central become greener

Chace Davy, Assistant News Editor
October 18, 2014

The Science Phase II building currently under construction is going to be a good first step in Central reaching its goal of achieving carbon neutrality. It is part of the goal for Central to become...

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ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO! - Central students gear up to get blasted with pounds of paint in last year's 5K Color Run.

Painting campus the Central way

Cole Ridley, Staff Reporter
October 17, 2014

A relatively new homecoming tradition continues this year with Central’s Homecoming Wildcat 5k Color Run. Prior to the football game on Oct. 18 against Western Oregon University, Central students can...

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SURC hosts annual job fair Oct. 23

Cassidy Warness, Staff Reporter
October 17, 2014

Career Services will be hosting the annual fall Job, Internship and Grad School Fair in the SURC ballroom on Oct. 23. Students will be given the opportunity to reach out and network with potential employers,...

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GREEK LIFE - The Bassetties create a close-knit atmosphere similar to a greek system.

Conventional Greek life missing at CWU

Rashay Reading, Staff Reporter
October 17, 2014

  Some might be wondering why Central doesn’t have a Greek Life system. There are a few main reasons, and it’s not to be different. Richard DeShields, associate dean of Student Living, said...

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DURBAN POISON - Natural Mystic Farms employee Mark Posteraro harvesting one of the farm's many plants.

Ellensburg marijuana growers prepare for harvest

Kyle Fenton, Staff Reporter
October 16, 2014

Fall is a joyous time for outdoor marijuana growers. It marks the summer crop coming to an end, and time for producers to reap the benefits of all their hard work. There are numerous ways to grow cannabis....

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Recent assaults near campus, students told to be aware & attentive at night

Colt Sweetland, News Editor
October 16, 2014

There have been five assaults near campus since the week before school started, and nine in Ellensburg since Oct. 1. According to Ellensburg police, the suspect is between 5-foot-9 and 6-feet tall,...

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Dead Day may die

Aaron Kunkler, Staff Reporter
October 16, 2014

Recently, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee made a decision to allow individual departments the ability to decide whether or not to hold classes on dead day. Dead day was historically held the...

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READY TO FLY - IASCO Flight Training has brought three planes to Bowers Field. The rest of the fleet is expected to arrive soon from Seattle and California.

IFT honors contract with Central, flights expected to begin soon

Julia Martinez, Online Editor
October 15, 2014

After several weeks of uncertainty, Central's aviation program has salvaged its contract with IASCO Flight Training. Students have been inundated with confusing information, but are now being told they...

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