OPINION: Slow doesn’t mean stupid

Ishanti Sanders, Copy Desk

I have a question: Why are students, particularly students in college, afraid to ask questions? After going to Central for almost four years, I’ve noticed that some students simply don’t ask questions when they should.

There have been times when I have asked a question of a professor, and it was a question everyone else was thinking. (I could tell because everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.) Yet, I am the one who asked the question. We have all been in a class with that one person who everyone perceives as asking “stupid” questions.

I think people are so afraid of being this person that they may be missing opportunities in their education. There are various things to consider when it comes to students asking questions in class. Introverts and extroverts alike shy away from posing questions to professors.

This is understandable, but did you ever think that you may be learning less by not being inquisitive? I’m not telling introverts (or anyone really) to make themselves uncomfortable by asking their questions in front of the whole class – I’m just letting you know that there are other options.

One thing students don’t take advantage of as much as they should is to go to professor’s office hours. This way, your questions get answered without you feeling stupid in front of others. Honestly, it will probably make a world of difference when you’re doing your assignment with ease.

I’m saying this from experience.

Over time, you should try to build up your confidence as far as asking questions during class, since the one who ultimately suffers is you. You should care more about your education rather than the misjudgement from others. We all know that college is outrageously expensive – if you ask questions you are using your money to its fullest extent. You are here to get an education, so act like it and speak up.

Since I’m a student that has to pay attention to detail, it takes me longer to get my work done as opposed to friends who breeze through their homework in an hour. I’ve learned not to compare my intelligence to others because that like comparing apples to oranges – they’re not the same.

There are different types of intelligence and everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. College has taught me that you take on the work that you can do, learn about how you are as a learner and then act accordingly from there.

At the end of my first quarter at Central, I received a 1.9 GPA. Woo, an academic warning. I felt like a piece of poo and thought “CLEARLY, you are not meant to be here, you work too slowly, you should just quit now.” Turns out, my mom wouldn’t let me leave so I stayed and I’m happy to say that I now have a cumulative GPA of 3.2. I actually started from the bottom and now, I’m here.

I’m writing this opinion for students who may feel like they are working too slow in a fast paced world. Newsflash you’re not, take your time. You do you boo. Don’t be ashamed to take charge of your education and ask questions, it might just change your life.