Review: Wedding Ringer, 2.5 stars

Nicolas Cooper, Staff Reporter

Being a big fan of Kevin Hart, I couldn’t wait to see some new material from the big-time comedian.

With the unexpected pairing of Hart and Josh Gad, who is most famous for voicing Olaf in the Disney movie “Frozen,” The Wedding Ringer is a charmingly crude bromantic comedy.

Hart, most recently named Comedic Genius of the Year at the 2015 MTV Movie Awards, stars as Jimmy Callahan.

Callahan is a high-end business entrepreneur who offers his “best man” services to introverted individuals. Callahan is more than capable of rounding up the necessary amount of groomsmen, planning their bachelor parties and taking care of any other desires for the groom.

Doug (Gad) plays a successful tax attorney from Los Angeles who is getting ready to marry the gorgeous Gretchen (Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting), the stereotypical manipulative and materialistic trophy wife.

Throughout the film, Doug is focused on hiding his lack of groomsmen and best man from Gretchen. In reality, Doug has no real friends.

With his awkwardness on full display, their wedding planner advises Doug to pay Callahan a visit. From the very beginning, Callahan makes it very clear to Doug that this is strictly a business venture, but they quickly develop a rapport anyway.

The pairing of Hart and Gad is a combination of sugar and spice. With the cool, suave character of Jimmy and the introverted, nerdy characteristics of Doug, the two begin to form a friendship through a series of masculine bonding rituals. They crash another wedding for practice and have a dance scene that ends up being one of the highlights of the entire film.

From a creative standpoint, I couldn’t give the film much credit. The film seemed to be  drawing heavy inspiration from the film “Hitch,” starring Will Smith, in which Smith helps incompetent men become successful in the dating field.

Although the film is full of hits and misses, The Wedding Ringer does exactly what it set out to do, and earns 2.5 out of 5 stars.